Early Birds

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 Chaeyoung anxiously tapped her foot as she waited for her friends to arrive at the venue. Not wanting to be late for the annual company Christmas party this year, she had stupidly left home 30 minutes early, only to receive a message halfway through that the party would be delayed for an hour at most. So here she was at the entrance, an hour early for the party, scrolling through her SNS account absent-mindedly. The night air blew and in response, she shivered. She had decided to doll herself up this year, her friends did it every year so why not? Only she regrets it now as her red sleeveless dress isn't exactly designed to combat the night's cold embrace. Thankfully, she had brought with herself a black leather jacket to complete the look. Still, her legs are taking the brunt of the cold breeze as she stood outside and waited. Of course, she could have just gone inside and not suffer this shit, it's not like the staff was going to stop her. But Chaeyoung, as much as she likes being alone most of the time, company functions are a different story altogether. Hence, given the choice of suffering the night air outside or going in and drowning in anxiety of meeting people she somewhat aren't close to, Chaeyoung has chosen the former. But it seems the universe was on her side for once tonight, as she spied in her eyeline a familiar black Mercedes sports car arriving in the almost empty parking lot. Her smile doubled when said car. Her smile doubled when said car chose the empty spot next to her own car. However, knowing who it was and knowing what they would look like tonight are two different things altogether. As Chaeyoung was suddenly blasted beauty out of this world when the goddess got out of her car. The girl in the white dress, high heels, and a raven black bob hair walked towards her with the gait of a supermodel and CEO hybrid. Ever portraying the elegance that people normally associate her with. Chaeyoung is now cursing herself for her oversight of wearing a dress, now people might just notice how her legs would shake or go weak because of this certain girl.

Mina walked towards the venue entrance in a relaxed pace, but inside she was almost freaking out. She had arrived almost an hour too early for the party.The only relief she had was that it seemed Chaeyoung was already here, her Tesla Model S that she parked next to alludes to it at least. And as if the universe wanted to tell her that her assumption was correct, who does she see standing upon the entrance but Chaeyoung herself. Mina almost stuttered in her step as she took in the girl's appearance, and gulped subtly. She was used to seeing Chaeyoung in just turtleneck sweaters with leather pants as she always had in the past few years, reasoning that it was a Christmas party, not an end-of-the-year gala. And while Chaeyoung in turtlenecks never failed to reduce Mina's mind to mush, tonight's Chaeyoung might just reduce her brain to ashes. Mina shivered, whether it was the cold wind or her thoughts, she doesn't know. Chaeyoung in a red dress, with a leather jacket draped upon her shoulders, with long black hair cascading to her black like a river, is something that even Mina's famed galaxy brain is struggling to handle. And when after a long walk through the valley of death that seemed like ages, she finally arrived in front of Chaeyoung. They stared at each other, blatantly drinking in each other's features, raking their eyes on each other's appearance before their gazes met. No words, no compliments spoken, none were needed anyway. Mina gulped once again, the air was suddenly so deliciously suffocating, and she's definitely not complaining.

"Hey." Chaeyoung's bright voice cut through all the noise of the world, bringing Mina's attention to her only.

"Hi... Chaeyoung." Mina replies, softly. So soft, other people might have to ask her to repeat what she said. But Chaeyoung is no "other people".

Chaeyoung grins, "I see you copied my early bird strategy this year."

Mina smiles back, "Speak for yourself, Chaeng. I'm the early bird every year."

This gave way to full blown giggle this time, from both.

"Aww poor you, must be hard waiting for our friends so often." Chaeyoung teases.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2020 ⏰

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