Part I

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Most of you reading this probably take the light for granted. your all so sure it will come back the next day... This isn't some love story or any "scary" story you have ever read...

This is life...

I once again woke with a jolt. it gets harder and harder everyday to figure out if I'm still asleep or not... Blinking doesn't even make a difference anymore. my name is Brandon, I am 15 years old, days since the sun was last seen long time ago. I don't track days it's pointless and there is no way to keep track. I slowly stand up as to not hit my head. I grope around for my dieing flashlight. I find it and with a hard hit on my hand it flickers to life. the flashlight was obviously almost dead the light was dim and would flicker to any jolting movements. I soon found my backpack filled with an assortment of medical, tools, and food. the shelter I stayed in last night was an old apartment. the sign said 3rd floor. the nocturnal creatures thrived as the other animals died out when they died out the nocturnal creatures started to eat anything and everything they found including they're own kind. I descended down the stairs quickly and silently. as I rounded the 2nd stairs a loud crash came from the floor up.

"The fuck?" I said to myself.

A louder sound came soon after that then silence. I was in no mood to deal with anything today. I fled down 10 more steps when something screamed not a animal scream, a human scream, a feminine scream.

"SOMEONE PLEASE!!! HELP ME!!" the voice screamed

I took out my 9mm pistol and ran back up I had one clip left. damn me and being a good fucking person.
The screams came from a room I threw open the door and pointed my pistol at the screams. as it sounded it was a female, around 17 years old she wore combat gloves, goggles, a black hoodie, and black combat pants. looming over her was one of the creatures evolution occurred and gave this thing 6 arms, and razor sharp teeth. with out reaction I fired the whole clip into the thing's head. it slumped over onto her and died with one last yelp of pain.

We both sat there looking at each other. it had been so long since I last saw anyone.

"Hello there" I said

"..." She didn't awnser, she breathed heavily her skin was purely white, maybe I was the same way. the lack of light had turned her eyes a milky light blue.

"My name is," this is my last chance to choose a name for myself in this new world, I decided not to change anything "Brandon, whats yours?"

"Y-y-your a-a k-kid" she said

"Yes and your point is?"

"Nothing it's just... how did you learn to shoot?"

"I just caught on when everything wanted to eat my face"

"Mary... Mary is my name but you can call me Ann" she said pushing the creature off of her and walked over to a spot in the room and picked up a large gun it looked like a shotgun.

"So where r u from?" I asked

"What used to be California" she said

I came from Massachusetts and by now probably somewhere near newyork.

"We should probably move on" I said

"Well I guess ill go with you so I can return the favor"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2015 ⏰

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