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Even before he found Emi, Luke was having a bad day. Emi was with them, the evil other kids, and the rest of his pack was away. He seriously hated them, and he hated Emi hanging out with them even more. But it didn't matter how much they tried, he thought with a smile. Emi would choose him. He knew she would. The others could try whatever they wanted- it wouldn't make a difference.

Luke walked silently through the forest, taking in everything: the soft green light floating through the trees, the vivid colors of the Oregon flowers, the birds chirping in the lush trees. Luke ploped down onto the ground and tilted his head upward. It was kind of relaxing, just sitting there, and Luke's thoughts drifted towards happier realms. He thought of his mom, always so sweet and kind. He thought of Lucy, his one year old sister, and how she always screeched with delight when she saw him. For a moment he even began to think of Emi, but he quickly shut those up. Some things weren't appropriate for a seven year old to think.

He was half asleep when he heard a scream.  At first he thought he had just been dreaming, but then another ripped through the silence. This one was so loud and agonized he knew it wasn't a dream. He listened closely, and when the next scream sounded he reconized it instantly. It was Emi's. All thoughts left his mind as he jumped up and began to run toward the screams as fast as he could.

It didn't take long to reach her. She couldn't have been more than a football field length away. He would've reached her in under a minute if what he saw hadn't stopped him. Time slowed, and so did Luke. Two people about his size and age were bent over Emi. Blood soaked the ground beneath her head. It was the worst thing Luke had ever seen, yet he couldn't look away.

"Emi?" He whispered. The two kids above her turned around and Luke's breath caught in his throat. It was the worst of them, Zoe and Blake. Their faces and heads were covered with Emi's blood. They hissed at him.

"Get away!" He tried to yell, but it came out weak and broken. Their eyes burned red and they began to creep towards him. "No!" This time the yell was more forceful, and the two stopped. They glanced at each other and their glowing eyes widened. The girl, Zoe, gasped. With one last look at Emi laying on the ground they raced away. Luke rushed over to Emi and dropped to his knees.

"Emi?" repeated. No answer. He raised her head, set it into his lap, and brushed back her black hair. The back of her head was sticky with blood, staining his new jeans, but he didn't care. "Emi? Emi no. No, no, no. Please no." Luke's voice broke so he shut up. He snifled once, and then the tears were flowing. He stared into her vacant eyes and began to remember.

Emi, playing with her hair as she talked to him. The way she looked at him with those startling greeen eyes. The day Emi dragged him over to her house when they were five to show him the tree house, their tree house. Emi, her face all mad because her mom made her wear a dress. Her 7th birthday, 2 months ago, when she had opened his present, squealed with delight, and given him a giant hug. The time when-

Emi coughed. This sound was garbled with blood, but it was still a cough.

"Emi?" Hope flared up inside him.

"Sorry," She mumbled.

"It's okay. Just stay."

"Can't. It hurts." Her voice was growing fainter.

"No! Emi!"

"Sshh." Emi took a deep breath."Lukey?" She whispered, her voice raspy. 'Yeah?" he asked.

"I....I...choose...." She was becoming fainter and fainter, her voice becoming almost inaudible."You. Always you. Forever." She finished. With that she closed her eyes. They never opened. "Emi?" Nothing. "Emi" His voice cracked again. "EMI!!!!!"


Hope ya liked it! as always, please comment. I'll get the next chapter up as soon as possible. Until then... bye.

Part 1: In Haunting MemoryWhere stories live. Discover now