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one day

"your fired"


"clean your locker spotlessly, be out by noon before the new recruit arrives" the stern older man order, the tired looking supervisor mumbles to himself. I was casually tossed aside, like switching partners at a orgy, after sixteen years of work! three years of training for nothing. A golem inscribed with [firebolt] runes escorts me to the barracks, dodging around the feet of much larger war golem. they traveled to and from the docks to the repair bay, their the third best crafted golem in the west port union. a rough nudge shoves me forward "please, continue to the barracks sir jay", a small throbbing pain ignites as it makes contact. there isn't much to get from my locker, honestly "not even a proper send off."

the lunch hour was just starting but the order was to be gone by noon, I cant even go visit the few friends I did have, meaning I might never see them again. a lightly equipped golem resembling a spider sliced off my name plate, and began welding on the new occupants name "brijjon millar!"

That son of a b#tch! he kicked me out for a pencil neck, waste of space, bully who failed nearly every qualifying test! Both ceo and commader, mihall millar, leader of the second rate security firm in the west sea union. operating on a private island for its various resources, the sea guard was famous for its's military might and golem production. I snatched up my name plate shoving it in my duffle bag, they didn't even have the decency to enchant it, although I contributed so much.

"your grace period ends in five minutes" the golem states with flashing eyes, I don't feel like fighting right now, so lets ignore it completely. heading to ward the postal office to pick up severance package, the fit elderly man stands straight nodding as I enter "jay, how you feeling?"

"irritable, is what it is though, right?"

"f#*king shame, is what this is" he hands me the box and scans my hand, we usually get along as we share pessimistic idea about the future, but he's still one of the only friends that I have. We shake hands for possibly the last time in our lives, a knight replaces the iron golem and takes me to the ship. I'll be transported to one of the larger main lands. the smell of the sea and the tang of copper and iron blend into a nostalgic smell along with the thumping of- thumping? this is a arms transport ship, stowing away on it was suicide! why would anyone try getting off the island, unless someone allowed it. Why stay hidden away from the others like a bilge rat, thumping against a crate gave away your hiding place unless... not good!

I resist the dizzy spells that warns me of manna saturated areas, normally to avoid them due to my sensitivity, but the anti magic enchant means there shouldn't be concentrated points of manna. dreading the out come of my actions I slip into the ships private section, just down the hall was a large box ominously banging and rattling! The label read Property of mihall shipping, because of course it did,


a pale hand with thick stumpy fingers is now protruding from the hole it punched in the top, but Who smuggles a monster in a plain shipping box like a vase? not wanting to get anymore involved I turn to leave "jay? what are you doing off base?"

"discharged, but you should handle that" I point to the shroom imp still trying to break out of the crate "[flashburn]" dale roasted the shroom imps cap before it could use [propagate] or [spore]. luckily it wasn't a queen. they breed faster goblins, but aren't durable in term of combat, fires the easiest way to exterminate them "here, last favor" he shoved his fist through the charred head. the monster core was warm and oddly large "head back up discreetly, I'm due for a promotion. call me soon okay?"

two hours later

There's a reason I wanted to be on that island, the sheer number of unshielded magic items makes my head throb like hammered metal. I have to look like a drunk staggering down the street, nobody could help me even if they did try instead of ignoring me. I can't even take in the city to look for something useful, stumbling as far as I can from any magical interference.

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