𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑇ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟

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I could feel my eyes start to open.
When I opened then I was in a party room still at Freddy's.
The room was dark but I could still see it.

"What the hell?"

Across the room, I could see a dark shadow.
I crooked my head at an angle to see who it was.

"I see you've finally awoken from your nap."

Right, when I heard William's voice I remembered exactly what happened.

How William chloroformed me.

I looked around me more and I noticed what room I was in.
Behind me was the ball pit.

"Afton I have a lot of questions."

William smiled.

"And I'm afraid you won't hear those answers."

William stepped into the light and I saw that he was crying but not in the way I was expecting.
There were visible tears but his face was neutral.

"What do you mean?"

"Love I'm afraid you have to go back."

I looked at William.

"What I don't want to go back!" I blurted.

"Why? What's the point of staying with me!? I can potentially harm you. Heck, I'm the cause of your nightmares!"

"Why do you want to stay?"

I clenched my hands tight.

"I-I don't know I just want to stay, I just want to stay with you!"

William was confused.

"(Y/n) I don't understand, all of the traumatizing stuff that I've done to you and you want to stay. Your just as bad as me."

"I'm a bad influence on your love. I've already ruined so many lives and I won't ruin yours."

I shook my head.

"No please William I want to stay with you please," I begged.

I was in a state of doubt. I had realized how much this has been doing to my mental health.

"(Y/n) this is not good you've developed something not good. I think you have developed Stockholm syndrome."

I smiled wide.

"No, no William I'm perfectly fine. See we are both crazy I am meant to stay."

I don't even know what was happening and what I was saying.
It felt like someone else was in control of me and I was watching myself say all of this.

"(Y/n) I'm sorry but you have to go back. I'll tell Mike that you say goodbye."

I could feel my real self slip past my insane side and I was back to normal.

"Wait no I promised Mike that I would say goodbye to him I have to see him." I pleaded.

William walked forward to me.

"Love I know but I can't extend your stay any longer. This pains me to do this but I have to."

Tears sprung into my eyes.

William kept walking closer to me and I kept backing up until I reached the edge of the ball pit.

"Maybe one day we will see each other again."

"Goodbye love."

William pushed me into the pit and got in himself and pushed me under until I was fully submerged.

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