Chapter 1

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Hi, I'm Emily Bailey and I'm 15 years old. I live with my parents (Sarah & Stan) and my brother (Chris). My best friend is Hannah Mcgrov. My boyfriend and best guy friend is Brody Campbell. And this is how it all began.

I hate you all! I spat and ran up to my room. Thinking how they could have done this to me. I mean splitting up is a big thing and after 25 years of being together. Building a life together and having kids I couldn't wrap my head around it. My mother (Sarah) opened my bedroom door asking if i was doing okay. Without saying a word i turned to fase her with tears blocking my sight. She tried to say something to comfort me but I didn't want to listen to what she was trying to say.

Sarah: Em, are you doing okay? This has nothing to do with you nor your brother

Emily: *sobbing* How how how could you? I stuttered. You and dad have been together for so long and you guys love each other way to much. Don't you?

Sarah: It's complicated dear. Would you come downstairs please? So we can explain everything to you and Carlos. We want you guys to know everything. 

I wondered why. But I went anyway. As i walked down the stairs I caught my parents and my brother staring at me. Dad started explaining what was going on, the moment I sat down on the couch next to my brother. 

Stan: So listen kids, your mother and I have decided to get a divorce.

Sarah: We already fucking now that!! I spatted. How about you tell us something we don't actually know already. 

Stan: Okay, I was getting to that. So to make things easier we decided that I would keep the house and that you guys get to move to Jacksonville with your mother.

Carlos & Emily : Wait, hell no!!! That's not fair!

Carlos: What about our friends and school !! We already have a life right here and I am not planning on leaving it all behind just because the two of us decided to fuck our life's up ! 

With that being said, Carlos stood up and walked up to his room, not wanting to deal with this situation anymore. 

I was so upset. I mean leaving Miami and moving all the way to Jacksonville that's like a new life. New school. New friends. Ughhh I'm not build for that!!!
I ran up to my room and texted my best friend Hannah, she came right over and we talked about it for hours. We even made up plans to convince my parents to let us stay and kick that fool called dad out of the house. But nothing worked, worse thing is, I planned a get together with all my friends and my Brody.

At 2 AM we snuck out to Brody's house. When he saw us he opened the door to let us in and we told him everything. He wasn't that happy either. Hannah had to leave so it was just Brody and me. We talked about life and even about us. About how and if we were still going to stay together.

In the morning my parents addressed the situation again, which I hated. Turns out I'll be moving in 3 months from now. 

Hannah came over with a glace in her eyes.

Hannah: EMI EMI EMILY!!! Oh my gosh. I got a great idea, I'm hosting a party tonight at 7pm to 2am and I'm inviting all of our friends, even Brody.

Emily: Oh my gosh !! That sounds amazing. 

Hannah: I know right, It's going to be so much fun. Plus this way the two of you could be together. 

It was almost 7 o'clock. Brody came to pick me up, that way we could show up together. 

We arrive at the party and ...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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