T H I R T Y - S I X

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Mora and Zen grew up together.

As close as they could manage of being, it was never sexual between the two.

Zen had been created to be Mora's older brother, in which,

he was about a year older.

After Mora became a full fledged demon after her gift of knowledge had awoken,

her transformation turned out to cause her take a body so she can have a form.

Tearing apart souls one after another looking for a suitable vessel to take host in.



Mora is basically the daughter of the creator and maker of the universe.

She was created for a purpose that happened to come to her earlier than it should have.

Zen on the other hand, he is one of the great ark angels of the kingdom of heaven. Which caused his creator, Comyet, to be beside Mora, until she fell.

But deep down Zen still adores his little sister. But Mora refuses to feel "anything" because of her being a full fledged demon after her fall from grace.

So she ended up messing in the lives of mortal affairs, gaining souls. But after all that, she ended up being put to "sleep" by another universal maker who happened to go by the name of Akatosh,

( means another word for God in another language, Sanskrit, I believe. It's an old language most people today don't speak anymore lol )

Which would have probably made Mora more than a little pissed off.

Okay, anyway, before I make this any longer. This should lighten the confusion of what is to come in nearby chapters. To be honest, this is the furthest I've ever gotten.

I'm on a roll people!

Likewise, a little tip. Stretch your hands before you continue to write anything of any sorts, it will help with hand cramps.



*after the conversation between CQ and Comyet

CQ just drinks her wine, sighing lightly.

"It came to my attention that Zen has also returned as well,"

CQ states simply, staring with her usual glance.

"Yes. He was away doing a few things for another universal maker, who goes by the name of Akatosh."

Comyet responded, staring back. In truth, Akatosh was another form of heaven's greatest God.

The God's and Goddesses have all been lingered out of their homes throughout the cosmos to protect the entire multiverse from the hands of evil.

Romulus, who happened to be the deity of the multiverse. Inspired even his own daughter, Mora, to becoming so much more than only a mere full fledged demon.

But a deity.

( another side note, Mora was taken from Romulus due to the fact he didn't want her to get harmed by his power, so he sent her with Comyet and Gaster to protect her. So, mostly she grew up thinking she was an angel. )

"I see, so, where is he now?" CQ asks, drinking the liquid in her cup. "He is in the universal dome with Akatosh," Replied Comyet,

"I am not even gonna ask why he's in there or why Akadouche, whatever the fuck his name is brought Zen there, but that name sounds completely stupid." CQ says, slurring softly due to drinking so many cups of wine.

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