One day a beatiful moring we were making school lunch. The principal came to the people who was the going to particapate. We were thrilled. The pricipal picked (Keisha), (Nya), (Danniella), and I. I wondered what kind of food we should make, I wanted to make spicy, hot, crunchy chicken noodle soup. I was really getting into the smell.
(Danniella) said '' Maybe we should make some pie for dessert," "Good idea" I said. We took the ingeredient book and went to "P" "Pie!" I shouted out. "I found it!" "Lets go make it!! (Nya) said. "MMMMM" It tastes good like cruncy, soft, and tastey cheese doritos. It was amazing we were putting it in the oven.
I said " What table does it go to?" "It goes to table 8!" (Nya shouted). "Now lets make hmmmmm?? Oh I know!! maybe some cookies" "ya coookkkiieeess (Keisha) said zombyish. Lets get cookie dough, choclate dropings, and sprincles" I said. put it in a circle like this said (Keisha). Lets get cookin!!
We were all making the wonderful and grateful food. Then a while came the pans fell, the oven broke, the utencils slmmed and crashed in a loud sound we were afraid the pricipal would fire us. Everything broke I made a big face my eyes were as big as a big building my mouth was like a huge t.v. . Everyone was wondering what was happeninng. I told everyone it was going to be ok. No it isn't said (Danniella). everyone was looking at me and it made me nervouse.
The pricipal came in the cafateria we finished up cleanning before she opened the door we rushed and hushed. It was perfect and tidy. Finnally the principal came in she opened the door and saw the clean place." Good job guys do you want to work on wendsday also?" "No thank you" we all shouted and we all ran out of the cafaterium. She opened the door and everything broke then she just closed the door like nothing happened.