ONE: New family member?

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After my mom finally divorced my dad. My mom became a mess. She would drink 2-3 times a week. She would not take care of herself. She even forgot to take care of us. My little brother Leo and I.

July 07, 2011

I was on my way to pick up my brother when I saw one of my classmates 

" Mama! Papa! " She yelled as a woman and a man approached her. The man ruffled her hair and smiled at her. " Hi honey, how was school? " The woman asked her and my classmate smiled and answered " It was fun! ". " Oh really? " The woman said again. 

They walked past me with all of them smiling ear to ear. I turned around and continued to stare at the family. The happy complete family that I will never have.

A small pair of arms were suddenly wrapped around my waist. It was my little brother. I smiled and turn around. Kneel down to meet his eyes. 

" did you have fun today? " I asked him. He nodded and smiled at me. " that's great then! " I told him. Hold his right hand and we started heading home

Finally, in front of our house. Got my keys from my bag and opened the door. " Were home! " I shouted. As expected no response. Told my brother to go to his room and he nodded.

As I was heading to my room, an expected object hit my left foot which made me stop walking. It was a bottle...of alcohol. ofcourse...

Slowly turning my head in the direction where the bottle came from and there I saw her again. My Mom.

" your home " She said blankly. I hummed in response and asked her " when are you gonna fix yourself....m-mom? ". She looked at me. Tch...she's drunk again. She just stared at me,  not planning on answering my question again. I sighed before making my way to my room.

As I closed the door of my room. I drop my bag on the floor and fell down and I started crying.

- Present time -

" fuck I don't remember this being discussed- OH WHAT THE- " my words were cut off by my brother suddenly barging into my room. " DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO KNOCK??? " I said to him. " oops? sorry? hehe~ " he then sat on my bed

I rolled my eyes and face my desk again, I was doing my homework god damn it. " why are you here anyway? " I asked. " It's about Mom " he answered. I stopped writing and looked at my brother. " w-why? what happened??? ". " She got another man "

my eyes widened " wait what?? how? when? huh? " I said to my brother hoping for answers but ofcourse my brother knows nothing too. " I don't know! Mom told me they are only married in papers...but they are planning on having a big wedding again...I just don't know when. That's all I know...and- " I cut him and said " and WHAT? "

My brother gulped first before saying " she also said....we are moving to her new husband's house next week...." " EHHHH??? " I shouted


Oh wow, Eliana I can't believe you are in front of some stranger's house which actually is now your mother's new husband that she never told you about but oh well!

" Mom? ". " Yes sweety? Are you okay? " She went up to me and for the first time in a while, I can see that she was happy. She was finally happy again. I stopped myself from asking the question I was supposed to ask her and just smiled at her and said " nothing " 

It took my mom a lot of years to heal. My father hurt my mom way too good. To the point, she couldn't take care of us anymore properly. When I was in high school we had to live with my aunt for almost 6 years and my mom had to see a doctor to get her to heal. Luckily she did and now she is okay again. I just hope it never happens again. It hurts me so much to see my mom in pain and ofcourse my little brother who would be in pain too because we have the same mother. I would rather not see that again.

We finally entered the house I mean the mansion, gosh It was so big. I hope my mother didn't marry him just because he was rich? No. My mom wouldn't, right?? 

We stopped in front of the huge stairs where my mom hugged a middle-aged man who looks like was waiting for us. Guessing it was the 'husband' we are supposed to meet today 

" meet my children honey, Eliana Rose and Leo Asher. Eliana is my eldest child  " our mom introduced us by our first and second names, both of us slightly bowed and smiled at him. " Nice to meet you Eliana and Leo " he said and smiled at us too.

 " My son is still not at home...I'm guessing he is with his friends but you will meet him later. I told him to come by because he will be meeting all of you...ah that kid really " the man said to us. " Is he the same age as us? " my brother asked the man. 

" old are you Eliana? " The man looked at me, I raised both of my eyebrows before saying " uh? uhm I'm 22, I was born on the year 1998 ". " I see, My Grayson is a year older than you " he said. My brother and I nodded our heads as a response. 

" You guys must be tired hmm? I should show where Eliana and Leo's room so both of you can rest " the man said and started taking the stairs. We followed him and I was so amazed at how beautiful and big the house is like waaahhh

" Eliana this will be your room " the man said and opened the door and I couldn't believe my eyes. IT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL WHAT THE FUCK. " omg...." I said while my mouth is still wide open. 

" I asked your mother what your favorite color I added a little bit tint of yellow on your things, walls, bed, and other things " he said to me while smiling. " I love it, thank you so much " and smiled at him too. 

After he closed the door I immedienly jump on my bed and I wanted to sleep already at that moment but I had to change my clothes so I took a shower and before you knew it I was back in my bed, already asleep.

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