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"what can I do for you?"

ten gulps, he saw a man reading log book. he's now at the omega shelter, ten doesn't know this shelter was massive now thinking that he's not at the right place the google map telling him.

"i- I d-don't.. h-have a p-place... to s-stay" he mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

the receptionist stop reading the log book and turned to him.

"no alpha?" the receptionist asks.

he doesn't know what to answer, should he answer the truth? that his alpha broke up with him and kicked him out of their house

"n-no" he lied while pressing his thumb to his middle nail. hoping not getting caught cuz he's not a good liar

the receptionist took a key and gave it to him. "you're lucky, we still have last bed space. third floor, use the elevator. be kind to your roommate" he said. he smiled and bows to the person and got inside .

humming while he walks at the empty hallway to the elevator door when he felt his chest tight, he can hear his heart pumping so loud. he kneeled while gasping for air, he can't breathe. while holding his chest he began tries to stand up and calm himself by doing inhale exhale routine.

after a minute he can feel he's feeling better and better. he's now exhaused and wanted to sleep, ten grabbed his bag and go to the nearest elevator

"my name's lee taeyong, you are?"

"chi...chittaphon, call me t-ten" ten shakes hand with his new roommate who's smiling at him.

ten let taeyong to help unpack his belongings and such, taeyong is such a caring roommate he even made him food.

"what do you do for a living, ten?" taeyong sat down while gicing him a glass of water.

"I..I d-don't w-work.. uh.. I'm from t-thailand" taeyong just nodded and continue to eat their food

"you're planning on going back?" ten nodded while quietly slurping the ramen he's eating.

taeyong analyze his new friend and something caught his eyes

"is that mark I see?"

ten widen his eyes and quickly hide the bite mark at his neck, he got carried away with the food he forgot the scarp he's wearing worn out.

taeyong saw ten's eyes began teary.

"please don't tell anyone, I'm begging you. they'll kicked me out if they knew I was mated, I...I d-don't have a p-place to stay..please.." he never knew he'll ended with with this. begging for someone not tell anyone the bite mark he had.

an alpha's mark on your neck is something you can be proud of. he never knew...

"okay, okay. please calm down don't panic okay? I got you" taeyong held ten's now trembling hands.

"thank you so much"

taeyong smiled, worried at the same time.

ten keeps on thanking him and stopped when he heard a noise from an alarm clock

"oh.." taeyong stop the alarm clock and pat ten's hair before he grab his coat and bag.

"you're leaving?" ten asks

"yes, I have work. um, favor can you also wash my plates im pretty late already, I promise I'll get you food after my shift"

"okay" he said

"call me if anything happens, my number is at the refrigerator okay, bye"

he waved goodbyes.

ten thinks taeyong was an awesome person, despite being an omega he got a pretty decent room and a decent job based on the clothes he wore.

unlike him  who can't even do cooking without cutting his finger or washing dishes without breaking the plates.

he sighs, "I don't know how to do dishes" while staring at taeyong's plates and his.

[JOHNTEN] remaining days of a rejected omegaWhere stories live. Discover now