Room 2"69" c;

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"I'm sorry Ms. Snow but we have ran out of dorms room in the girl's dormitory, unless you are willing to rent a apartment outside the university you may still attend the school." The headmaster, Mr. Frost said. I am so pissed right now.

"That can't be Mr. Frost, you know I am low on money right now since my parents are mad at me for attending a music school than some doctor school!" I announced in a really pissed tone as I taped my feet on the floor with my arms crossed above my chest.

"Well there is one thing I might be able to help..." Old man Frost said softy, sorry for being rude but I am really pissed off right now.

"And that is." I simply said still tapping my feet. Old man Frost rubbed his chin a bit before saying anything to me, now I was getting irritated, I slammed my fist on his desk making him jumped him shock.

"Well you're still a violent little girl." He commented, "Elsa I can allow to cross dress as a guy to attended my school, but there's one condition." He paused, goddammit old man just spill it!

"Goddammit old man just spill it!" I yelled.

"I would have to room you up with my son, Jackson. Since I can't let you sleep in a room with a random boy." Old man Frost said, "It will be your choose if you want to tell him that you're crossing, so no pressure. And I am sure Jack will be pleaded with you as his roommate since he did had a crush on you when you guys were kids." His winked, oh god please don't wink your too old for that.

"Shut up, that was so long ago. I bet he doesn't even remember me since I did moved away 10 years ago." I said sadly at the memories, honestly I kind of did liked Jack back then when we were small. But now I'm a grown woman now I have moved on from the past. Im 18 for crying out loud, plus I bet he has moved on too.

"Oh I missed those memories so, you children were just adorable." The old man aww'ed making me raised a brow at him.

"Anyways," he coughed regained his mature-self, "Your room is 269 in the boys wing." He hands me the keys, "Oh yeah my son is going to be coming by late today. I will distract him so you will be able to settle in as a male." He added, I nodded and left his office with a simple wave.

Oh great now I need too miss my first day at work to go get a new makeover and go shopping to buy guy clothes to pull this off. Wait hold up what am I thinking I can just call my favorite maid to do this for me... Gosh I am so dense. I pulled out my phone and dialed in the numbers.

"Hey Lucy, mind going shopping for me for a bit just put it on my parents tab and please don't tell them." I explain Lucy the planned and situation, Lucy is the only one other than my sister, Anna, that understands me. I trust her with everything.

"Sure thing m'lady." Lucy happily replied with her cherry voice over the other end.

"Please just call me elsa, Lucy." I then said goodbye and hung up. Alright now that's out of the way, I should probably head to work, its a quarter past three and my shrift starts at 4:00pm. Eh mind as well just go.

[That's chapter one for you readers, idk want to call you people still thinking huehue, hope you likee!
SPOIL ALERT!! Next chapter, Jack might be gay... (No offense to gay people doe, I have gay friends and they are fun! & happy! (: )

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