Chapter 1 Getting The Date

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I was hanging out with my best friends MJ, Petra, and Harry we were in our lunch period talking about whatever came to mind and somehow the topic of crushes come up.

Harry: So yeah I'm planning on asking out Gwen to the New Years dance. What about you guys?

MJ: Flash asked me so I'm going with him. What about you Y/N?

Y/N: Ha I'm not going. I don't like anyone besides the one girl I do like is way out of my league.

MJ: Y/N you're a great guy any girl would be lucky to have you. Besides if you put yourself out there you'd have a date in no time.

Harry: Yeah bro just put yourself out there.

Y/N: Easy for you 2 to say you're both popular and good looking. I'm not ugly but I'm unnoticeable. I only have you 3 as friends because I've known you since we were kids.

MJ: Don't be so hard on yourself people notice you.

Petra: Yeah we notice you.

Harry: Yeah so does Edna.

Y/N: Edna bully's me. Name one other person who isn't a teacher that notices me.

Petra: Uh....

Harry: Ugh....

MJ: ...........

Y/N: Exactly I appreciate you guys trying to make me feel better but I'm just meant to be alone.

I say depressed like.

Harry: Don't say that, look who do you like I'll help you get a date with them.

Y/N: Spider-Woman.....

I mutter.

Harry: Who?

I panic.

Y/N: Edna.

MJ: Really?

Harry: You literally just said she bully's you.

Petra: You gotta be kidding me.

I start blushing because I wasn't lying technically I do like Edna but not as much as I like Spider-Woman.

Harry: Holy shit he does.

Petra: Why her of all people she hates you.

MJ: Why is it that I can see you to being a cute couple?

Y/N: Nani?

MJ: Yeah in a masochist way.

Harry: Way to make it weird.

Y/N: No kidding but she does have a point. I have a thing for girls who are stronger than me. That's why I want Spider-Woman's my crush.

Petra starts blushing like crazy.

Harry: Well lets get you a date with Edna, because Spider-Woman's out of the question!

Petra: That's not true.

Petra mutters.

Y/N: Wait did you just say that's not necessarily true?

Petra: Wait you heard that?

Y/N: Petra if you could get me a date with Spider-Woman I'll love you for-

Harry grabs my arm and starts pulling me.

Harry: Come on lover boy. Edna wont be here all day.

I just start letting him pull me towards my demise.

Petras P.O.V.

MJ: What the hell was that?

Petra: What?

Spider-Woman and She-Venom Want MeWhere stories live. Discover now