This is a written imagination that i hope would be animated one day. I also have lots of uncompleted stories like eagles and ohmy Atlantis. Most people might think this is very stupid so i challenge the readers to write a better superhero story/ history and send the link in the comments and i hope our ideas forms a better dc comics or marvel comics.
Poseidon: god of the ocean
Eldan: King of Aquaris
Emara : Queen of Aquaris
Amphritite: Goddess of the Ocean
Pegasus : Jugde of Atlantis
Awhale : Daughter of Poseidon and Emara
Triton: First king of Tritonis and Aqiaris
FantasyAwhale, the demigoddess/ Mermaid bastard daughter of Poseidon and Mermaid queen,Emara grew peacefully with are Foster father until the time comes for her to take her place in life.