~ Info! ~

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[NOTE: As of 6/7/21, I am PERMANENTLY closing requests. Thanks to those who requested story ideas while they were still open!]

Hiya! I'll cut right to the chase.

This book is for me to put short stories of my Crossing Over AU while I work on the sequel. (For any of these short stories to make sense, I suggest you check out the first book beforehand lol.)

I have about eight stories planned so far, with hopefully more to come afterwards. They're mainly just to build up some background stuff for the sequel (as there will be a large timeskip between the end of book 1 and the beginning of book 2), and probably won't have too much plot relevance, besides character eliminations.

However, I'll also take any requests for short stories you have! I'd be fine if this ended with only the chapters I have planned, but I'd love to see any ideas you guys might have too. 

To request a story, comment on this chapter or any others that come after.
- You must give at least, but not limited to, 1 character (any combination of BFB/II2 characters except for Apple, Marshmallow, Bow, Dough, Steve Cobs, and the Exitors) and a general plot of what you want to happen in the short story.
- Most requested short stories will likely be non-canon to the Crossing Over series as a whole, but if it is, I'll say so.
- Like most of my other books, these short stories won't really have a set schedule. (I hope this is obvious, but I figured I should put that there just in case.) I probably also won't take these as seriously as the sequel, but I'll do my best to make them enjoyable!

Other request info:
- I WILL NOT TAKE ANY NSFW REQUESTS. (I probably shouldn't have to say this, but I'm sure there's at least 1 person out there who would ask.) I'm also unlikely to use swears in any of my stories.
- I WILL NOT TAKE ROMANTIC SHIP REQUESTS. Personally, I find romantic shipping between objects a bit weird. But each to their own. (I might start accepting platonic shipping later, with two objects being really close as friends, but I'm still not sure how to write more emotional scenes like that yet. Mainly I'll be focusing on writing more humorous stories.)
- I won't be taking humanized requests (for now) as I need more experience in that area of writing.
- Try to be creative! I'm more likely to accept your request if you ask for interactions between characters that haven't been touched upon a ton in Crossing Over (but that doesn't mean I won't accept things like Golf Ball and Test Tube performing an experiment together). I want the universe to be expanded some!
- Other than that, I'll probably accept most requests unless I get overwhelmed, or someone requests a plot that I already have planned for the sequel. I also have the right to refuse any request for different reasons than the ones stated above, if another reason arises.

So yeah! I'm really looking forward to doing this and seeing what (if any) requests for stories you guys have. I'll start writing the first canon story today or tomorrow. See ya!

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