Hiding the Bump

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Tao met Jinri two years ago when she moved to his school and she was placed in the same class as him. He fell in love with her at first sight and eventually they started dating as Jinri also felt the same way about him. Now, Jinri is eighteen years old and already eight and a half months pregnant with Tao's child. Jinri really wanted to keep the baby, but at the same time she wanted to keep going to school too, so she pleaded Tao to allow her to attend class even though she was pregnant if she found a way to keep it a secret. Tao was against it at first because the consequence they'll face if Jinri gets caught is huge, but then eight months have passed already and so far they are still successful in concealing Jinri's pregnancy.


Today was just like any other day for Jinri, there was nothing special about it except that she was already on her last few weeks of pregnancy. She got up from her bed as soon as she woke up and did her usual daily routine in getting ready for school. Before putting on her school uniform, Jinri stands sideways in front of the large mirror inside her room to see how big her belly has become. Then she places a belly wrap tightly over it to compress her stomach and conceal her bump. Luckily, Jinri is a petite girl, so her belly wasn't as huge as most women's pregnant bellies are. She also didn't gain much weight because she maintained her diet despite being pregnant, and didn't give in to her cravings.

"Ouch." she winced as she felt the baby move inside of her. It hurts, but somehow Jinri liked it because it makes her feel closer to the baby. Jinri patted her stomach and felt the excited movement of the life inside as she talked to it, "There's only 2 weeks left before you come out, please be good to mommy, okay?"

She put on her school uniform which was getting very tight already but still it didn't fail to conceal her pregnancy. Looking at herself from the mirror, she almost looks the same as the old Jinri from nine months ago. She grabbed her bag and locked the door of her room before going outside to meet Tao who was already waiting for her outside the girl's dormitory.

"Good morning, handsome!" she grinned widely and greeted Tao as he was quickly approaching her. Tao chuckled and tousled Jinri's hair playfully, "You look extremely happy today babe, what's up?" he asked.

Jinri smiled brightly at him and answered, "Our baby was kicking a lot today, i'm so happy because he's finally making his presence known inside of me." Tao felt really happy whenever he sees Jinri smiling like this. He knows that Jinri is also having a hard time, but because she really wants to have the baby, he's willing to do anything to support her decision as long as it makes her happy.

"You should feel him kicking later after class. It's not really distinct right now because i'm all covered up." she added.

"Mm, i'd love to." Tao said, then he bent down to kiss Jinri's cheek. "Let's get going now or else we'll be late for class."

Jinri blushed and took hold of Tao's hand. "Let's go."


Tao and Jinri arrived just in time for their first class, they immediately went to the area at the back of the room and took their seats. The two of them were lucky to be seatmates because the teacher let them decide their seats for themselves.

The time flew by quickly and it was already time for Math class, which was the least favorite of everyone and the last class for the day. Jinri was busy taking down notes on all the formulas and examples that the teacher was writing on the board, while Tao was just listening attentively to whatever the teacher was saying because he can always just take a peek at Jinri's notes.

"Choi Jinri? Please come up and solve this equation on the board." The teached called out all of a sudden.

"Yes!" Jinri stood up and made her way to the front. She was a bit nervous about standing in front of the class, but then she told herself that it was alright because she would be facing the board instead of facing her classmates, and not many of them were paying attention right now because Math class is boring and tiring. She grabbed a chalk from the teacher's table and started writing on the board. When she proceeded to writing the second line of the solution, the chalk she was holding slipped from her hand and fell to the floor. Jinri was about to get another chalk from the table but the teacher stopped her from doing so. "Miss Choi, aren't you gonna pick up that chalk?" the teacher asked.

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