Chapter 2- Setting Out

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It took many more weeks to prepare for Erion's adventure then he had at first anticipated. He found willing men easily enough, in fact he had to turn down many enthusiastic young soldier, the problems arose because they had no idea of the amount of food they would need as they knew not the best way to travel. Erion spent many days closeted with his advisors in rooms covered with maps both old and new. Erion always left these sessions as his sister, Meraidi, noted looking drawn and often exasperated. The reason for this was Uglig's known lair was high in the peaks of Pawoin that rose like a sharp knife from the dusky green of Cherian. Now you may be forgiven as you are unversed in the geography of this land for wondering what the issues were that Erion was grappling with, but I can explain more. Cherian was an untamed forest, no man had penetrated as deep as Pawoin that the people in Deraim had ever heard of, yet the tales of old spoke of hideous beasts and wild people in its depths and it is never wise to disregard fairy stories.

Meraidi had skin as pure and smooth as the pebbles on the beaches of Beraidin. It was liken by some of the more poetically minded gentlemen to the lilies floating on water. Flowing over her shoulders were locks of curled golden hair. Her eyes that changed from the shimmering greens of grass sparkling with beads of dew to the greys and blues of the ever swaying sea were the envy of all the court of Gwin. Now she walked with the grace of a dancer down the cold stone corridors to her brother’s chamber her layered green gown flying before her as she half ran in her impetuousness. She paused, her hand raised to knock, outside the thick oak door. A delicate flush came to her cheeks. She drew a deep breath and tapped.

"Come in." Erion's deep voice boomed. Meraidi pushed gently and the door swung open, she slipped in and pushed to door to.

"Erion, I wish to speak with you about this forthcoming adventure of yours." She sat nervously on the end of one of his deep high-backed chairs.

"Speak, Sister." Erion was absentmindedly searching for his missing belt. "Where has my dashed servant boy put it?"

His obvious disinterest perturbed her as much as it annoyed her. "I fear you do not attend but this is most important." She inhaled deeply once more. "You have not yet filled your quota of men for the adventure I understand?"

"No, no, I have more than enough volunteers it is just sifting through them that is difficult, but why does this concern you and is it most important to you?"

"Let me come!" The words were scarcely audible and let out in a rush. She was leaning forwards her hands clasped and her eyes sparkling.

"No." He did not raise his voice, it was emotionless.

She had not expected this flat refusal and it threw her. "Why not?" She stood up and strode towards him. "I can fight as well as you father taught me so that I might protect myself. If I am worse than you with a sword then I am better with a bow and this will most likely be a battle from afar."

"No." He got up from the end of his bed and went to open the door for her.

Meraidi felt tears, hot and angry, sting the back of her eyes but she was determined not to cry, not to act like a baby. She held her head up high and walked through the door as she left she turned back. "You are a mean imbecile, at least give me a reason."

"This 'adventure', as you dub it, is dangerous and our father needs someone, he needs you, Mother died, it has destroyed him. If I should fail, if my troop all die then I will not have him left alone, it would kill him. That is why you cannot come, goodbye." He closed the door on her.

"B-" With the snap of the door Meraidi lost her haughty dignity and the repressed tears came out like the dam breaking and the river unleashed. She considered hammering on his door and forcing him to let her come, it was so unfair. She sobbed as she shuffled miserably back to her own room. She fumbled with the handle on her door, and then threw herself on her bed and gave herself up to unreserved tears.

At a happier moment she might have appreciated the beautiful scene she was in. White curtains barely obscuring the sun that streamed through the window. Oak furnishings, chairs covered in green fabric, a side table with white roses on and her own bed swathed in green silk embroidered with lilies. But not now. This was unfair, there was no reason why she could not go, at least no reasonable reason. She loved Gwin but it was not fair, she did not want to sit here whilst Erion and Vidien went to their possible... - but it was best not to think about that, she did not know what she would do if Vidien died.

Many hours she lay there tears soaking into her pillow. Eventually when no more tears were left to be cried Hilwen, her maid, came to dress her for dinner. Meraidi rose like one in a dream, Hilwen dressed her and combed her soft hair back onto the top of her head with a long curl coaxed down over her shoulder. She wore a flowing gown of palest pink with silver trimmings and a cloak of white shimmering silk. Around her neck was a necklace of silver that twisted and interwove with itself, it had one stone, a pearl, in the center surrounded by a triangular design. On her wrist and on her head she jewellery of similar designs but neither was quite so fair as the necklace passed down through her family for generations.

Gwin sat at the head of the long, thin table laden with fruits and meats and Erion sat on his right hand side. Erion looked up as she entered the room but she avoided his gaze as she took her place opposite. She thought how empty the grand table looked with just the three of them and one servant behind Gwin, it was meant for large families and grand parties. How cold it was, how lonely, maybe Erion did have a point, the thought of Gwin left alone at this table made her eyes mist over with tears.

"Hello Father, Erion, I trust you are well this evening." Erion looked searchingly at her face.

"I am very well, we have decided on the route and the soldiers for the journey, I can leave soon." Meraidi forced herself to meet his gaze and feign unconcern.

"Really when- when are you setting out?" She daintily lifted a forkful of hare to hover by her mouth as she spoke.

"We will be gone before the week is out." Meraidi gulped, she felt colour drain from her face and the hand that held her fork quivered.

"My boy you know I do not approve of this quest so do not shake my resolve not to thwart you by talking constantly about it." Gwin raised his eyes languidly as he spoke.

"I beg pardon Father."

Erion was quelled and spoke no more of his departure that day much to the relief of Meriadi but it did not ease the burnings of her heart when she saw them all assembled to leave the city. Twenty men there were in total. Two captains, Vidien and Orde who each commanded a squadron of men. Among those men there were not many whom it is worth talking to you about yet, the only ones of interest are Amlan who fought the most terrifying outlaw Jowstom and Turmben who famously climbed the heights of Wolderin (the highest mountain inside the kingdom of Imrandir).

She watched them leave from her window not daring to go down to see them off unless her emotions overcame her. Very noble they looked all mounted on beasts of the highest order, armour reflecting the sun in rainbows about them. The streets filled with citizens of Deraim cheering and covering the company with flowers and pieces of paper with prayers for their safety written on them. As the horses bearing the knights of Deraim walked out of the city gates Meraidi uttered a heartfelt prayer to Henema for the safety of her brother and the man she loved.

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