Chapter 2

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The secret

The anger from Nrayer's eyes, show the scared child within, The girl who was taught to Fight and staved of the love she craved from my father. "Father would have taken the risk!" She yelled.
I watch Nrayer run out of the door.
"Nrayer not safe mother" I yelled.
"I should go out there and find her" my mother said.
"Ughh she make me so angry, she doesn't understand about father" I sighed.
"Nrayer worship your father, she still too young, but she needs to learn about the hidden and what he did to her" her words make me panic.
" mother, you do know what will happen, if they find Nrayer" I said, she looked to the ground.
"That's why I need to tell Nrayer, that her father is alive, and wants to use her for her abilities, we need to find her before the trials" she says. My father thought that me and Nrayer died by a fire. My mother lied to him so we won't be going into the trials. There was a symbol called the hidden mark, which the HTA branded on young kids skin. The mark is just a symbol to what we are. The pill that created the treeticks, also made the kids have healing powers, so it will be impossible to kill them, unless it was pure silver metal or whatever is in the trials can kill them. This only worked on kids that were purely strong. If their body were strong so with their immune system. But it didn't work on all kids. Adults can't handle the mark as they had a weaker immune system. My father thinks he's doing the right thing by making an army of kids to fight the treeticks. That their life doesn't matter because there's hundreds of kids out there. He would sacrifice his own kids to save himself. My mother worried that we wouldn't survive the mark as not many girls do, I don't know why girls don't have a strong immune system, but whatever the reason... she doesn't wanna take the risk.
"He's coming soon, just promise me, when I'm gone help your sister" A steady stream of liquid trickle down my face.
" promise me, Nadeya" The turn of a boy sounds so sincere. "I promise " I said quietly.

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