Make me fat!

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Day one. I sat in the couch at 114 lbs. underweight. My boyfriend, Matt, wanted me to be obese. I did too. I wanted folds, and flaps, a giant stomach, and bulging legs that couldn't touch. I wanted to be immobile. I wanted to be in the history books.
Matt quickly brought me a big vanilla swirl cake. I dug my fork into it carefully.
"Don't be shy!" Matt said, "use your hands, it would be hot."
"Okay!" I replied. I then shoved my head and hands into the massive cake big enough for 10 people!
It was tasty and creamy. I couldn't wait to be obese. I ate and ate that night. Even after Matt went to bed. I pulled an all nighter eating everything in the kitchen. I devoured every sweet treat, and fatty meat. I could feel my massive girth pushy on my sweatpants. The elastic waist band began to break and fray.
When Matt woke up the next morning he saw me, passed out in the kitchen. I had cake covering my face and sweat dripping down my body.
Matt quickly ran to run my belly to see if I was okay. I was.
I quickly woke from my mini food coma. I felt sick, stuffed to my maximum. But I needed to eat more. Matt brought me every food item left in the house. (Which wasn't much.) and told me to eat every last crumb.
I was ready.
Day 2: I had literally eaten every bit of food in my house. I felt bloated and stuffed so full I felt sick. But I had to do what I do everyday. Matt walked me into the bathroom to step in the scale.
121 lbs.
Only seven pounds?
I ate so much and it barely paid off. I felt sick but I knew I needed to keep going.
I told Matt to go to McDonald's and grab we 20 Big Macs.
He gladly accepted. I was excited. I was gonna be enormous.
When Matt finally returned home with the giant bag of food I was ecstatic.
I loved Big Macs. I shoved half of one in my mouth then the other have. I then had one Big Mac in each hand. They were laid out in there boxes in front of me. All twenty, this was gonna be great. This would be brunch. Since I missed breakfast I needed to make up for it.
"Matt," I asked, "get the party platter takeaway from that Chinese place down the road."
Matt sat up from staring at me. "Really!? Is today the big fat day?"
(Me and Matt had always fantasized about a day were I would eat over 100,000 calories. We both knew it was unrealistic but we both hoped.)
"Yeah! Imma try!" I replied.
Matt jumped up and went out the door. By the time the door closed I was on my twelfth Big Mac. Yum. I can't wait to be immobile. I'll be a queen!
I ate up the last of the Big Macs before matt returned and my swollen stomach growled in pain. I needed more. There was no food left in the house. It was inside of me! What a wonderful thing to think. I can't wait to step on a scale and reach my first milestone. 200 lbs. I'll be overweight but not quite obese. But I want to weigh ten times that! A literal ton! A 2,000 lbs women! It will be great!
Matt returned after a while and said, " it will take and hour to get the platter so I brought you these,"
He handed a bunch of grocery bags from Walmart. One was a loaf of honey bread. Yum! I shoved the loaf directly in my mouth. Not cutting it, or buttering it, or chewing slowly. No. I shoved the whole thing in my mouth and took massive bites.
Matt clapped enthusiastically at my achievement.
After only a couple of minutes, the bread was gone. I started in a party sized pack of cupcakes. It had thirty in it. I threw two in my mouth and swallowed one with no chewing. To wash it down I grabbed a two liter of sprite.
Matt rubbed my tummy. Mmmmm...... it felt amazing. The soda bloated my stomach. I loved feeling so full. Feeling so fat. I ate a pack of Oreos, then grabbed a jar of full fat peanut butter and ate it on some more bread. Before I knew it, all the food was gone.
The platter wasn't ready yet either. I felt like I was gonna throw up. But I didn't. I needed to get super fat. Matt rubbed my bloated belly. It felt amazing. I drifted into another food nap and when I woke up, the enormous party platter was on the table. The restaurant said it served 30 people. It had over 8,000 calories. I was ready. I started with white rice and chicken. Then once that was gone and my body felt heavy I moved into some saucy broccoli. I ate the broccoli in less then a minute. Matt cheered me on with belly rubs. It was amazing, I felt like royalty. I was his queen. Once I finished all of the food, I sent Matt to the grocery store so I could take another nap.
When he came back, he had a ton of grocery bags. All filled with sugary, fattening, and high cholesterol, snacks.
I ate about half the food. That would be linner.
I could feel my stomach bulge and swell with every bite. It wasn't healthy and I knew it. But who gives a fUck? Im gonna be the fattest person ever.
I fell asleep after eating the last of the food. After I was deep in dream land, Matt went shopping.
Day 3. I waddled my way off the couch and into the bathroom to be weighed for today. 133! That's 12 lbs. finally I was making progress. Matt was thrilled to hear the news. We would celebrate with a special celebration that night.
Matt brought me a tub of ice cream for an early morning snack. I ate the whole thing in about 45 minutes. It was a lot of ice cream. I was proud. For breakfast, Matt made giant buttery pancakes. In five stacks. Each stack two feet high.
I devoured every last one. I could feel myself ballooning and expanding. I could feel I my stomach stretch and push my other organs away. I could feel the fat happening. I could feel every part of me stretch and struggle. I like it.
For my next snack I had a box of cookies. I dipped them in milk. It was good. It wasn't even 10 o clock but I had eaten enough food for a small family. It was great. I was finally getting somewhere. I'd be at my first milestone in no time. It would be great.
How about 30 Big Macs today?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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