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No, before you ask I don't own Mystreet just maybe a couple of OC's I made up for the story.

I was promised heaven but only got hell in return.

With my body pressed back against the cold hard door my back felt cold, though whether it was colder than the blade in my arm was up for debate.

As I pressed the knife further into my skin to make my blood flow out of my arm and stain the wood floor that much faster. My mind started to wander to my sister, mother, and the fate my father had deserved as my vision of my world started to lose its hold, but not out of pain, the pain itself was quite easy to manage, no it was the pleasure.

I was jerked out of my thoughts as a knock ran out from the door behind me.

"Hey, Travis are you in there man?" a gruff yet soothing voice I would come to know as Garroth would ask behind closed doors, literally. "Dinners ready, and Laurence is looking at your meal like he might just eat it" Garroth added as he chuckled a little.

"Oh yeah, I'll be up there in a minute just cleaning up down here that's all" I call back before I added "Actually I already ate so Laurence can have it if he wants," I said thinking the prospect of food to be a poison to my body, before looking down at the floorboards and seeing the mess that my 'habit' had caused and letting a curse escape my mouth before I realize that it had happened.

"huh did you say something Travis," Garroth asked as a response to my curse

"nothing just spilled something onto my floor is all" I respond already grabbing the paper towel to wipe the blood off the floor.

Garroth said no other words but those to excuse himself as he went back up the stairs to notify Laurence over the fact of Travis not eating much to his enjoyment.

I sighed as I got off of my knees as I wrapped the bloody paper towel inside two clean to hide the redness of the white that stuck out like a sore thumb. My body started to move on its own as this was a common occurrence to the floor crates in the corner of the room adjacent to my bed as I lifted it and placed my bloodied knife into it.

I sat down on top of my bed, grabbing the remote next to me as I flipped down onto the bed and immediately glided my thumb over to the Hulu button as I clicked on the newest Hell's Kitchen episode, I was going to watch it yesterday, but yesterday was even more demanding at work than usual, so when I got home I just flopped onto my bed, no melatonin, no endless hours of trying to doze off but to fail, I just fell asleep much to my enjoyment.

I probably lasted a full minute at watching the chefs trying to prove to them their place in the competition to Gordon Ramsey before I opened up Twitter and started browsing glancing up every other minute to look at the tv. I was scrolling through yet another political post before my notification for the street Group Chat went off as I opened it up.


Loser's club

Too pure:

Hey guys I was wondering if you guys were interested in coming to this month's get-together it's on the 18th

Walking anime body pillow:

Kawaii Chan and Katelyn Sama Helped Aphmau Senpai out with the games and snacks this time.

Too pure:

Plus the movie is the new Wonder Woman movie

Dog kink:

Sure Aph I would love to go

Too pure:

Thanks Aaron!!

Hot topic opens at 10 am:

I'll be there if Katelyn isn't there

Ronda Rousey:

look at your name and ask me that again.

Dasani water hair:

Garroth and Laurence and I can go

Too pure:

what about Travis

Genderbent Elsa:

Sorry but I have work on the 17th through the 19th

Too pure:

Aw, are you sure you can't come?

Dasani water hair:

You have been working a lot lately Travis

Genderbent Elsa:

Shipments are coming in a lot lately, despite the whole Covid issue

Too pure:

So are you sure you can't come?

Genderbent Elsa:

Sadly no, but you can send me pictures of you guys having fun

Ronda Rousey:

You might become jealous, just saying

Genderbent Elsa:

Hey Katelyn what are you doing on the 21st anyway?

Genderbent Elsa has been suspended for 6 hours

Hocus pocus:



I put my phone away but not before I get yet another notification, this time by Facebook as I look at an image 28 years old on my long since dead mom's Account. My eyes soon became misty as I looked at the photo of my Mom holding me and my infant sister Sarah. I smiled at the picture as I remember that day, I had gotten sick so Mom took me and Sarah out to the park. But the happy memories soon darkened as I remembered why my sister isn't sitting here with me right now, why I can never call my mom to complain about my day.

My left-hand subconsciously went over to my right rib as I winced at the memory that came flooding in, I sighed as I took my pills to help me fall asleep as I turned on my left side staring at my door as I let sleep overcome me.


This is my first Fanfiction ever so if you unsatisfied with my work, or here to critique it I am more than happy to hear it.

Also Since this is my first ever fanfic be ready for a queasy upload schedule by me, so sorry about that.

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