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His body fell to the floor, his neck snapped back into position, with a thud to the floor he laid their cold, his eyes faded nothing shined in them anymore just earlier he was laughing at me, "pink eyes! What's the matter? Cant speak up for yourself?!".

Now, my hands molded the shape of his head in them, now my hands were the cause of his death, my hands killed someone...I killed someone.

I am a freak. Now, I definitely don't have a reason to live.

I took a look at my classmates. They all stared at me blankly, pale, they all looked like ghosts, the teachers stared at me, the same. The school cop aimed his taser at me shouting commands I didn't hear, the sounds were getting muffled, I couldn't hear anything, my vision was going blurry red.

I felt my foot turn and lift. I kicked the taser, then landed and ran, jumping through the doors, passing three kids on my way out, Miko, Jack, friends. No, actors threw themselves at me to block reality, I don't have friends.

I ran past the vehicles miko, jack, and Ralph Arrived in. A blue sports bike, a yellow custom muscle car, and a big bulky green truck. 

Shit. Did I have my blades? That's why my bag is heavy, I planned to roller skate with miko today. Well, that's botched now, maybe i'll put them on. I could get away faster. 

I ran to the sidewalk far down away from everyone, dodging into an alleyway and hiding.

They will find me but this is temporary, I just wanted to put on my skates, one last time.

Putting on my grey roller blades was easy. All I had to do was press a button on them and the straps tightened to my ankles, the way that fits perfectly. My own creation, if only my mechanics teacher could see me now from New York. He'd have a heart attack with the old bastard.

I balanced myself standing up, I took a peak over the dumpster. I heard sirens close but a car and Bike closer. The bike's engine growled lightly, like a stalking lion hunting its prey giving a warning growl, raising its growling to a roar, then growling again.

I waited, a blue motorcycle passed by with a rider in full leather, that bike looked like Jack's, who's the leather person? The features were too slim for Jack, The helmet was smaller than Jack's head, the body was to feminine, was Miko riding the bike? No, her hair would never fit into the helmet and besides, she drives the big green truck.

The bike stopped just before passing the alleyway. It reversed, now turning its headlights on it drove into the alleyway slowly. Stopping just a foot from the dumpster, It revved and I ducked down. I wasn't sure if the rider saw me, and was too scared to look.

The Rider may have been slim, but the bike barely fit into the alleway, the bike had its mirrors folded to avoid scratching them on the brick walls of the two buildings beside us. Behind the dumpster my situation was getting more problematic, for instance to get past the Biker I would probably have to fight, I'm not a good fighter, I saw red when i killed that kid, that wasn't me but that didn't matter everyone saw it, I killed him and now there's nothing I can change.

I heard something, like tv static, it fizzed  and disappeared. I heard what sounded like metal shifting and scraping against the wall, and itself. It finally went silent, I was about to speak when I heard a female's voice that made me jump from my skin,” Arcee to bee, Arcee to bee, Have you located him?”. 

There was silence, I couldn't hear the female, or this “bee” person was, and I was almost certain they were both talking about me. I moved my foot a bit and my skates squeaked on the ground, Freezing me in my tracks. I heard something hit the floor with a clunk, whatever it was, it was big, probably an Ac or a metal brick hit the concrete, the sound got closer. I leaned my head to the side of the dumpster and looked. 

I FROZE like water in negative 100 degree weather, I saw two blue circles staring crookedly, and disappointed right at me, i was inches from what seemed like a metal face outlined with more metal? The metal face moved, backing up from my own face revealing what i could say was blue metal legs that built up to an all blue humanoid made of metal.

“Nevermind that Bee, I found him….Get over here. Yes….He did see me.”. 
The metal humanoid said, sounding disappointed but also like this wasn't the first time someone had seen her like this, I looked for the bike. It wasn't there, in its place was the female Humanoid,I peaked my head slightly upward. I didn't realise it but I was shaking terribly and I still couldn't move. My legs felt like ice, cold and unable to move without help.

Time went by, it felt like forever we just stared at each other, me and the humanoid robot. I heard a loud engine rolling closer to us, was this engine the Bee person the humanoid talked about? 

I didn't plan to stay and find out. I stood up slowly when the humanoid turned away, She was distracted. I tilted my foot and used my skates. I skated right from underneath the robot, I heard a yell, then a revv of an engine. I grabbed a street pole once I was out of the slim alleway, flinging myself into the street.

 Once in the street I headed towards the intersection, There was tires squealing, a horn, I saw yellow paint and felt like I was punched in the legs, I felt air all around me, there was a pain in my shoulder and left arm, or was it my right?

I was hurting all over, my vision faded. I saw glasses looking at me and a small figure, two more, one with pink highlighted hair, the other with a messed up sideways cut, then my vision blacked out completely.

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