Nash grier

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So you guys all know about Nash Grier and the video he made of his little cousin with "cystinosis".

First of all Nash Grier was just trying to help his little cousin. So I don't understand why these people would put mean comments about that innocent little boy.

I mean all he was trying to do was help his cousin get better. Other people need to be stop taking things and twisting it.

You know other people have feelings too. Put it like this. How would you feel if you were Nash and you were trying to help your cousin get better.

You would think your doing something right. Then you get all these nasty comments that aren't true. I can't imagine how I would feel.

It got so out of hand that his mom had to put a comment on the video. I cant believe that some people don't know how to control there self for life sake.

His little cousin had this disease since he was one. 1!!! So other people need to put into consideration that this little boy (Holt) is in the hospital and he is fighting for his life.

And inside and out Holt Is the perfect person he could ever be. Even though he may not be able to do everything he is still perfect.

I hope you have thought about my opinion and if you don't agree then so be it. I'm just saying that it's not fair for Nash to receive all this hatred when he was trying to do something special. thank you.

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