Sea Horse (Dark Horse)

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Rolanda: I can't believe. Believe you did this to me. And yet you did. Took my man right away from me.WAR.Is coming inevitably. And honestly. You're UGALY!Everyone knows I'm sexy.Tell me I'm pretty baby. I know you mean.Mean so much more to me.More to me.More to me. More to me. More to me.So you think you can steal from me.Why do you think I wrote my name on him for?I don't think you know what you did. You just commited an act of war..Won't take no more. Take no more. Hurt me to the core.To the core. She stole whats mine. Stole whats mine.         NOW I'LL TAKE HIM BACK.

Sally:Silly girl.I always get what I want. Like Swipper.Like Swipper I will take your things. You should know. I am the Queen of everything. Of everything. I've got you all to myself. Mister. Forget about little. Sister. She's had her chance. And nows my turn. It's my turn. It's my turn.It's my turn.

Rolanda: No!

Alex: Rolanda?

Rolanda:Alex don't do this.

Sally: Get out of here Rolanda.

Rolanda: Alex just listen.You know I love you with all my heart. And I understand I'm to sexy for you.But please don't date my sister. I thought I meant more to you than that and Sally is just pour evil. And ugly.The only reason why she's dating you right now is because she's bored.Think back to all of good time we had.

Alex:Shhhh.Let me speak. Let me say what I need to say. Girl you be lookin cute. But I'm Rolanda all the way. She might be gross.Might be smelly. A little hairy.And I don't even care that when she smiles its kind of scary.UGH.You can't hate each other. You sisters. No one comes between you.No misters.We can all be friends. Just understand that sister love is deeper. This date was really nice. And I had a lot of fun. As for you and me.I'm sorry.We're done.

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