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In the kitchen,a mug of hot cocoa sat on the counter.She was beautiful. Well...."she" was know as Violet(it was her name after all). Me,myself, why I was only a  marshmallow. Names Marshy,respectivly. I know it's like forbidden love or taboo or some crap...but Violet was beautiful. I would stare at her alot, although it wasn't until forever that I knew. If I was to be her I would have to sacrifice my life just to be close to her, I then decided I had too. One day I told her my feelings. She was suprised, as she felt the same. I told her what had to be done, but she told me not too, although I heard her scream as I climed to the top of her mug. I told her I loved her, and that I had too do this because I wanted to be the closest possible too her. I jumped into her and felt myself disolve in the heat.  I smiled as I took my last breath and took her scent in(Of corse chocolate,what else would Hot cocoa smell like,anyway back to my story) I disolved completly. But in the end I got my last wish too be the cloest possible to Violet. 


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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