Chapter one

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Don't read this unless you are prepared to have the full wattpad experience. I tried to edit but then I just realized that the content was what it is and here is the full werewolf experience. 




All I could focus on were the two boys sitting in front of me, I mean what else was I supposed to do in a remediation math class. One of them was alpha Colby lux and next to him sat his just as gorgeous brother Beta Ashton lux. It's like their mother had sex with an abercrombie and fitch magazine to make them. Colby's hair was spiked up and he was wearing dark wash jeans and a gray V-neck that hugged his glorious goddess body in all the right places. Ashton was wearing a similar outfit with a white shirt instead. I could only see their backs at the moment but when they gave orders it was hard not to stare. Colby had piercing blue eyes and the color looks like the light shining through arctic ice caps they always seemed warm and welcoming even though that blue was so cold. Ashton had mossy green orbs that were always cheery. His hair was lighter than his brothers more of a milk chocolate color. His hair was also spiked but it was more natural like he didn't have to use gel. The intrusive thoughts sounded like a cheesy novel but I was just spacing off to get this class over with and the boys were my great escape. My thoughts were interrupted when my friend Alex nudged me in the rib cage. Alex had a look of his own and before I go on I just want you to know that Alex is my best friend and I wouldn't actually want to date him. He had soft blonde hair and an almost electric blue color for his eyes, at least compared to Colbys. Alex is wearing a black shirt that says "don't funk with the man". The reason I didn't go after boys was because I was saving myself for my mate. I was really hoping, hell, even praying that he was doing the same for me because I don't think I could handle if he was with another girl. Being a werewolf had its perks like getting one person to yourself that you know would never leave you and will always love you unconditionally. But also for me it had some unfortunate side effects. I am a white wolf and a lot of people go after my type of wolf, I'm special. This means I can't just go shifting in front of anyone unless, I want to end up stuffed and hung above a fireplace. So, the only people that know are either dead or really close to me. My parents know, my brother, and Alex knows. Our old Alpha also knows and has sworn to keep it secret. I chuckled to myself. It had been so long since I heard my brother joke at my expense. Someone would say how special my wolf was and he would say how 'special' I really am. I miss my family so much. I can't wait to meet my mate, at least then I'll have someone to confide in. I wonder what he will be like probably amazing and sooo hot ... My thoughts are cut short with Alex bugging for my attention. "Ally!" I snapped my head up. "Yes?" "Aren't you excited you can find your mate tomorrow" I nodded in response. In truth I had been thinking about it all day.

I couldn't help but wonder if my mate would be like Alex. Alex was so sweet everything he did was sweet. He would always hold the door open or give you his coat when you were cold or even if you just needed someone to talk to. Whoever was Alex's mate would be very lucky. The bell rang and I stood up out of my seat. I was just ready to get home. Alex stopped me at the door. He looked at the floor and scratch the back of his neck he seemed a little on edge nervous even. "Hey Ally do you want to go for a run with me?" I paused for a second. I had to be careful with who saw me but I was just itching to let her out. I answered a little too loud "yes!" I mentally face palmed myself. Alex gave me a charming crooked smile. Okay, whoever his mate is will be really lucky.

When Alex and I arrived at the edge of the forest we both hid behind some trees to shift. After I shifted I trotted around looking for Alex and found him in a field, it was a beautiful Open meadow but our destination was the river so we began to run. Alex and I took off in a playful game of tag. It felt great, so calming to have the chilled Springbreeze loosely comb through my pearl shaded fur. I took a peek and glanced over at Alex. He looked like he was enjoying the wind in his face as well, almost like dog with his head out the window. Alex had Auburn fur, red like a fox. We reach the river and took a generous amount of drink from the flowing water. We both shifted back and put some clothes on then sat upon a gray Boulder that overlooked the beautiful river below. Alex was the first to break the comfortable silence between us. I could tell whatever Alex was about to say was pretty important to him so most likely it would be important to me. "I've been thinking..." he let himself get quiet, "about what?" He looked over at me and flashed a charming smile that always lightened the mood. This is what scared me a little. The fact that he was trying to lighten the mood meaning the mood was going to be heavy. "When you find your mate,things will change" "mates are protective and jealous." my heart sank like the Titanic. I could even feel nervousness in the air, like a thick layer of ickiness. Was Alex trying to break off our friendship? Panic rose in my throat, this could not be happening, not to Alex and I. We had become so close. I told him everything and I didn't have anyone else I felt so comfortable with. "don't freak Ally, I just want you to know that we are bestfriends and we always will be so no matter what, even though we are not spending every waking minute together," we both let out a breathy laugh "We are still friends." It was like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders and relief flooded to my body. I let out the short laugh and took a deep breath. I guess deep down it jabbed at my heartstrings knowing I was just Friends zoned but I knew All would be forgotten when I found my mate. I embraced Alex in a warm hug and breathed in his scent. This calmed me. Alex and I went to his truck and he drove me home. I walked through my bedroom door and headed for my closet to grab some pajamas. I decided I probably needed a shower after the run today. When I stepped in under the warm water I let the steamy liquid wash, rinse and hopefully not repeat the stress of the day. Tomorrow was the day I could search for my mate. I just let it sink in for a minute. Then I smirked to myself as I imagined myself with my mate. When I finished my shower I brushed my hair and teeth then looked at myself in the mirror. I had long brown hair that came to about my waist and blue eyes that were big and round, sometimes I felt like they made me look like a cartoon. My skin was sunkissed and pretty much acne free for once. since I was a werewolf my build was strong but I had a petite figure with curves that showed in my tight hugging clothes. That night I slipped under the warm covers and drifted off into a peaceful sleep that came easily knowing tomorrow I would be with my soulmate.

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