Part One

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I woke up to the sound of a knock on my door. A soft voice coming from the other side of my door, "Princess Sammy, It is time to wake up. Your father has requested you to come down to the throne room when you are finished getting ready for the day. Madam Arrie shall be in soon to help you get ready for the day," Said a young male. 

"Thank you for notifying me Becker," I politely said, yawning as I stretched out in my soft bed. Today was my birthday, I would be turning 17 and be able to start looking for eligible bachelors to help lead our new kingdom into the new world. I threw my leg over the side of the bed, dragging my butt off of the bed and started to undress myself for a nice hot shower before starting my day. Madam Arrie soon came in after knocking and began to get an outfit ready for the day while I was in the shower. She picked out this beautiful dark blue Southern Scarlett O'Hara ball gown paired with diamond earrings and dark blue flats. As I got out of the shower, I quickly dried off and started dressing myself in the gown and brushed out my shoulder length hair. After finishing the morning routine, I thanked Madam Arrie for the outfit choice and walked to the Throne Room where my mother and father were sitting and talking. 

 "Good morning Dad, Momma," I smiled and took a seat next to my mother. 

"Morning Sam, Happy Birthday," Dad said with a weak smile on his face. He and my mom had been feeling rough but he still had his royal duties to attend to. 

"Thank you," I smiled, not feeling any importance in it being the day I was birthed. 

My mom leaned over her arm rest and handed a long box to me, "Happy Birthday," She smiled.

I took the box and looked up at the two for confirmation to open the box now,  they both nodded and I opened the box to find a brand new laptop in the box. It wasn't exactly brand new due to the fact that I recognized it was my mother's old laptop that I used to play on as a kid. I smiled at the two anyways, "Wow! Thank you!"

"You said you've been wanting a laptop, so I decided to give you mine since I don't really use it anymore," My mom explained with a weak grin on her face as well. I got up and hugged my parents and they had plans for the day, so we went on with the plans. There was a small parade I was to be apart of for the celebration of my birthday, which was kind of boring but I was excited to get out of the castle for a little bit. Being stuck inside for so long can do things to the mind. As we got back to the castle, some of our guards who had been on an quest in a nearby town had just returned. A smile came upon my face as I rush over to the Knighting Courters to meet a certain curly haired guard that I have been talking to for a while now. As I rounded the corner, I greeted all of the others and looked for "my guard". 

A hand gripped my shoulder and I squeaked loudly. Everyone turned their head to look over as to why I was squeaking. I turned around to see the guard I had been looking for, "Sir Jacob!" I exclaimed and wrapped my arms around him tightly, even if he was super sweaty and soaked, I didn't mind.

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