Chapter 1

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Italics mean thoughts


Another day another day at the café before high school starts.... I thought as I got up and dressed. My work outfit wasn't very much, just a F/C maid outfit that didn't show really anything that it shouldn't. Knee-high socks that were a lighter/pastel version of F/C, and some black flats.

(White in any outfit means that it's your F/C unless i say otherwise, and yes, the socks are there

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(White in any outfit means that it's your F/C unless i say otherwise, and yes, the socks are there. They just match with the body cuz as far as I know Y/N doesn't have a specific skin tone)

"Y/N!!! Let's go!!" I hear my mom call me, my ears perk up as I shout back "OK mom! Coming!" I open my bedroom door and walk out, my mom gestures her head to the bathroom door, telling me to brush my teeth and hair, the usual. I walk into the bathroom and brush my H/C (Hair colour) hair. Then my teeth.

I walk out ten minutes later with my hair in it's regular bun. Nothing too fancy

We got in the car and went off to the café

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We got in the car and went off to the café. Once we got there my mom unlocked the door and walked in, my two older brothers and I walked in following out parents and we started to set up. I set up tables while B/B/N grabbed some dishes to give me for those said tables. And OB/B/N was with mom in the kitchen, was was at the performance stage. Setting up a mic. We had a guest coming in the sing a song or two for the guests and the rest of the staff.

After about a half an hour the tables were set and the café was ready to open. My mom flips the card on the card on the door making it say 'Open' instead of 'Closed' like it said when we walked half an hour prior. Almost immediately a few groups of people walked in. I sat them down and my oldest brother (B/B/N) took their orders. A kind smile plastered on my face. The table I went to first had a wonderful. Elderly couple, apparently they were celebrating their anniversary today-- Awww.

The second table had a couple of teenagers, the one who looked like the eldest didnt even look like he was in high school, and neither of them looked like they would've belonged in a maid café. Though I can't judge. They do what they want to. "Good morning, my name is Y/N, and I'll be your server for today. How can I help you?" I asked with my regular smile. "Coffee, black please little lady." I took a note down on my tablet. Then it hit me.

D-...Did he just call me 'Little lady?'

"I'll take the same, and with a croissant" the female said, I was kinda jealous of this girl, mainly her eyes. A vibrant purple. I shook off my thought and took the note on my tablet once again, then I look at the last person. He looked a bit rough, kinda scary, eek.

"Same drink, and I don't want food" He sounded like he was fighting the urge to yell at me. I took the last note with a shaking hand. "Oh good job Zenix, you freaked the little kitty out." The first guy slyly told his... friend..? I hink hey were friends. I ignore the rest of their conversation as I walk away to give my parents their orders. As well as the orders for the elderly couple.

The door opened again and I went to greet whoever came in. I froze a little bit. The two that walked in were a man roughly around his mid to late forties, the other looked maybe 2-3 years older than me. He was a werewolf with dark, dark blue fur and hair with a bright blue streak in his bangs. His eyes were a vibrant green, it was kinda ominous, it made my fur stand on end. "G-Good morning sirs. Table for two?" I asked, the older man seemed to ignore my stutter while the werewolf gave a small, sly smirk, he knew he was freaking me out.

The older man nodded and I gesture for them to follow me as I walk to a free table closer to the bathrooms on the right of the café. Once they sat down the older man gave me their orders and I type them down on my tablet. As I walked away I felt something grab my tail, I turn around and both the older man and the werewolf gave me a creepy smirk. I shake away my red embarrassed face as I walk away.

As I walk, past those same three people from before I hear the more aggressive one... um... Zenix I think? Mutter to his friends "Did you see Ein grab her tail?! Wasnt he arrested last year?!" I tense up and they seem to see this as I scattered away quicker. I gave my parents their orders as I pretend that the 'tail grabbing' thing never happened. They gave me the stuff for those three people from before and the elderly couple and I left to give them their stuff.

The elderly couple gave me a kind smile as I gave them their food and drinks, I wish them a happy anniversary as I walk away, giving them a smile ad well. Then I got to the three others. I passed their drinks and the girls croissant. "Thanks little lady" the older looking one gave me a sly smirk once again. "I would appreciate it if you please stop calling gave me that-" I got cut off by my oldest brother shoving me aside. "What did you call her?!" He asked like the overprotective older brother he was. "I called her 'little lady', anything wrong with that cat boy?" The guy asked my brother, I could hear the venom in his voice. My brother tensed up, he hated being a meif'wa sometimes, especially since no one seemed to take him seriously, I patted him on the shoulder "It's ok -Big brothers nickname- I can handle it" He gave me a worried look, but with a nod he walked off. "I would suggest you and your friends hurry up, pay and then leave. That was very unnecessary" I said sternly. He stood up.

"Listen little lady, I can do what I please. And no one is going to tell me what to do!!!" He said, getting uncomfortably close to me. My other brother was able to get him away from me. Telling me to go into the back to get the food and drinks for the older man and the werewolf. Which I did, I gave the two their orders and then nodded, backing away until I was a better distance so the werewolf wouldn't grab my tail again. Thankfully he didn't. Not that he could've.

● (This dot means a time skip)

The end of the day came little conflict, the werewolf and the older man gave me an extra tip but the feeling of the tip made me feel dizzy. But I just didn't question it, I thought I was just tired, which was true. But the feeling of the money made me feel more dizzy. The three people walked over to me as I was locking up the café. The guy who had the name of Zenix if I remember correctly. Told me that the other two were named Sasha and Gene. Not that I really cared.

As I walked away to get to the car I felt someone grab my wrist. "Listen little lady, that werewolf you saw earlier, I would advise you stay away from him" the guy now known for me as Gene said. It didn't sound like he was threatening me. It was more like he was warning me. "Thanks for the advice, I was planning on that anyway. But thanks" I gave Gene a small grin as I got his arm off of mine. Then I walked off.

That was weird..... Um... hopefully I don't see them at school when it starts next week...

# of words: 1368

*Deep breath!* Ok, so. Idk how long I've been writing. But do you now what?! I don't care!! Hope you enjoy!

~ Snapper883

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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