back story of kirishima

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Kiri pov
I was a baby when I was adopted by my two beautiful mums. When I was 3 I asked one of my mums why did my mum and dad leave me for. She said it was better for me and my parents cause they didn't have enough money to look after me. My real parents thought it was better for me cause they didn't have the money to give me the things I needed and they couldn't have given me the attention I needed cause of their jobs. After that, I never asked again cause I was too happy with my two mums to think about it.

When I was 6 I got to find out about if I have a quirk or not and what was my second gender going to be. When we got to the hospital and was sitting down waiting for a nurse to call my name. I was getting scared cause I wanted a quirk so I could be a hero and I want to be an alpha like my mum Kiro. My other mum is an omega her name is Kana. As I was starting to try and read a book that the hospital had on a chair. My name got called out. I and my two mums stead up. I walked to my mum kana and hold her hand as we walked to the room where my doctor was waiting for us. My mum Kana sat down next to the doctors' desk and I sat on her lap and my mum Kiro sat down in the other chair in the room. The doctor started to ask both of my mum questions so I just sat there playing with my shirt. We then went to a different room to get an x-ray done on my foot. After the x-ray, we went back to the room and sat down in the same places then the doctor came back with good news. The doctor looks at us excitedly he explained that I will get my quirk I got off my mums' lap and started to do my happy dance. My mums laughed at me so I started to laugh too. The doctor asks me if I wanted to know what was my second gender was I said yes. The doctor left the room then came back to take some blood to see if I was an alpha, betas or an omega. He said he will call later to tell us what I was so we walk out of the hospital to the car my mum Kiro was holding my hand this time. When we got to the car I sat in the back hugging my baby shark plush. When we got home we had dinner then went to bed with all my shark teddies.

The next day
We had breakfast then the doctor called with exciting news. My mum Kiro put the phone on speaker so I could hear. The doctor said I was an alpha I started to jump up and down then I hugged my parents cause I was so happy I was an alpha.

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