Lighting up the harsh day

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There was nothing more satisfying than waking up after a peaceful night's sleep, especially when it was the first one in a long time. After months on end of guild jobs and writers obligations, the Christmas season was a welcome excuse to relax, if only slightly. There were still jobs to take of course but she'd actually convinced other teams to handle them, that over the next few days they should rest and recharge. If there was actual danger to the world they'd jump on it, but for now...

She stretched, a sleepy yet satisfied smile on her face. It was nice to not have to rush anywhere, to be able to take her time and laze in bed if she wanted to. She laid there for what could have been five minutes but could have also been an hour, time was hazy in a bed, before she finally decided she was awake enough to get up.

"S'pose I'd better get dressed. Levy's not gonna wait forever after all"

She took her time going through her morning ritual, pleased by the peace and quiet outside. It seemed that for once Magnolia had also decided to relax, a pleasant and welcome change in her book. She could feel the motivation bubbling up within her, today was going to be a great day, a productive day! The feeling reached its height as she finally finished getting ready, clean and clothed and ready to tackle anything that could be thrown at her. She threw open her living room curtains, full of energy and vigor..

...Only for it to all immediately drain away when she saw the white wall billowing down from the heavens. She normally didn't mind snow, it could be lovely to look at but this was no mere light flurry. She was definitely snowed in and there was going to be no way to get anywhere without some fire magic. Of course the only fire mage that would seek her out lived far out of town and was probably enjoying himself, so he wasn't going to show up soon. Though there was probably no point in trying to do anything until the onslaught of snow stopped.

She sighed, moving away from the window and slumping down at her desk. She was going to be stuck at home all day wasn't she? It would have been nice to relax with her friends. Her gaze went to her keys, her spirits could help her plow through the snow right? Horologium could even protect her as they went. A great idea in theory but was it really fair to put her friends through that hell just to end up at an empty guild? If the others had any sense they'd stay at home. Besides they all probably had their own festive preparations to make...

She shook her head, slapping her cheeks to force herself out of the funk she was falling into.

"No time to be down, I can just work on my book! That's still being productive! My editor will appreciate it anyway..."

She trailed off, sentence fading off into mumbling at the mention of her deadlines. Yes it was probably for the best that she stayed home today, so that everyone's sanity stayed in check. Cautiously her motivation started to crawl back, directed towards the pages on her desk. With uncalled for enthusiasm she grabbed her pen and started the joy and pain that was writing a sequel you never thought you'd get.

She'd managed to write, cross out and rewrite the same paragraph about five times before disaster decided to rear its ugly head once more. Stress was already starting to sneak in and leave her frustrated with her sudden fight with words, but then the lights just had to flicker and go out. She couldn't stop the groan that escaped her as she leaned back in the chair, dreading what this meant.

"I'm supposed to be Lucky Lucy...surely this couldn't be that bad right?"

Tentatively, she slowly stood up. It wouldn't be ideal but she could still write by the small amount of daylight coming through the windows, that was fine. No, what she was really dreading was-

"Oh you've got to be kidding me"

Her harsh tone revealed her spike in annoyance as her hand touched her heater, feeling it start to cool down, it had also been shut off. That suggested it was more than just the lights, that all power had been shut off, was the snow that bad it was disrupting everything? Now this would need to be fixed on top of the snow needing to be removed, Fairytail was definitely going to be busy later, herself no doubt included.

A snowed in mage and lionWhere stories live. Discover now