The beginning

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I am not one to talk about my own pain, however, the second we hit the ground of the Sandy biome floor, I had never experienced such; agonising pain in my eye's, it was hard to make out what had happened since I had hit my head.

[ 'Oh yeah! I am End, I don't have much of a title as of yet but trust me, everyone in this story will know my name!' ]

I could hear a distant groan, maybe five meters from where I lay flat on my stomach in the sand, a mouth filled with the filthy stuff.
I just about manage to sit up, spitting out the sand in my mouth, I glance around noticing something or something laying in the sand near me, I get closer noticing it was a girl, someone who I knew!

This was Aimée, a life long friend of mine and probably my best friend, she was coming back around after falling the same why I did, she sat up rubbing her head, "what happened" she asked looking up at me.
I squat down next to her, "I'm not to sure what happened but I know for a fact we are lost" I said holding my hand out to her as I pulled her to her feet.

We both stand looking around noticing the sand fade into grass, "maybe we should go that way?" I questioned before she nodded in approval "it is better than the sad," she added with a nod as he began heading towards that way.

Once a little ways into the grass land we found a village, it was inhabited by villagers of strange nature and traits, near the middle of the village by a well stood a large figure, a silver like creature, as we walked towards it we overheard villagers talking.
"The Golem will make easy work of those two strange people." They whittled on going into their home.

I look to Aimée who was already figuring out what that silver thing by the well was, it stood still in a position that made it look alive, but little did we know it was all about to change for us.

A young lad by the name of BananaJoe [ or just Joe as I will refer to him as ] walks over looking at us, he watched as Aimée examined the silver statue like thing.

Suddenly out of nowhere a villager grabs me by the sleeve hitting me, as a reflex I hit them back knocking them onto their arse, I grunt at them "watch it idiot!" I snapped. Little do I know I just made a huge mistake.
The ground around us began to shake and the villagers began to flee to their homes, a single moment later the silver statue began to move, it let out a hideous roar as it's red menacing eye's darted around settling on me, he roared in hate as it swung at me, I managed to dodge its first swing as I turned tail and ran away with Aimée and Joe following.

"What is that thing?!" I yelled as we all ran through the village. "It's an iron Golem! They protect the villagers! One wrong move and you're toast!" Joe responds.
"Why didn't you say earlier?!" Aimée snapped back as we found ourselves climbing onto a roof top of one of the village houses to find refuge from the beast following us below. "It's after you not us" Joe says looking to me.

"Look I don't know who you are but you basically caused this to happen [ little did I know at this point that I would be sharing a house with this guy ]  but who the fuck are you?!" I bit back at his remark.

"I am bananaJoe" he responded taking his hood down, he looks strange, like a solar system all in one person or 'creature' "I've lived in these lands since I-" "-nice story save it for later!" I cut him off, I noticed the end of a sword sticking out from under his cape, I pulled it off of him hitting the Iron Golem from the roof top, it soon enough disappeared from existence somehow, I got down from the roof picking up a stack of 5 iron ingots "what the hell are these supposed to be?" I questioned looking at Joe and Aimée.

"It looks like...Iron?" Aimée says looking at it as she got down. "Iron ingots" Joe said leaning over my shoulder looking at them "ah! Back off dude don't be a creep!" I jumped back away from him putting the iron in my pocket.

The sun began to set on that very strange day there and then, little did we all know our lives would never be the same from that point onwards.
[ as we were now in the village free of the iron Golem we made haste to a house with beds, he made camp there for the night until the next day. ]

Continued in chapter 2
More friendly faces

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