Author's Note and Teasers

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Salma seemingly closed the chapter with Zayn once the court proceedings ended. However, fate had other plans. Or maybe it was prayers? Silent pleas whispered in the loneliness of the night by one heartbroken man.

A storm of threats, bullets and a baseball bat, smashed whatever she knew of peace. A kidnapping attempt, or two . . . maybe it was three? Lies and Secrets. And many more murdering plots hit her like a tornado, forcing her back to square one with only one way out. Zayn.

She could be with him till she was no longer held at a gunpoint, but was it fair that once she was free to breathe in peace, she would walk away and ruin his life? What would it cost to give him a chance? If she opens her heart to him, what would be lost?

Sneak peaks

You better not be secretly leading me to my death, Alex!

Barely had the though completed in her mind that she felt the barrel of a gun press into the back of her head. She froze in fright, her nails digging into the palm of her hands inside the pocket of her coat.

"Make a move bitch, and they won't even find a body to bury," he warned. The levelness of his voice scarier than his threat.

Salma gulped, too petrified to even breath.

"Hands where I can see them!" He nudged her with the gun. Salma unclenched her fists inside her coat. "Now!" She felt the gun poking her head sharply.

Slowly, she brought her trembling hands out, and held them above her head.

"Turn around," he ordered.

Salma swallowed her fear again. Her mouth felt dry. She had a feeling she did not have long to live. If she were to make it out of here alive, Agent Alex would have taken him out already. A dry, ragged sob raked through her body when she realized this. She was just a bait. And baits don't survive.

At what felt like a snail's pace, she turned around to face her death. Salma's eyes zeroed on the barrel of the gun pointed at her.


Zayn felt her wiggling her fingers out of his hand, but nothing could have prepared him for what followed when she grabbed his neck with her hands and raised herself on her toes. Zayn froze at the contact when Salma lips brush against his cheek. Biting hard into his lip, Zayn closed his eyes at the gentle caress.


"Your transport is here, Mr. Harris."

Each of the three looked at the other confused.

"You called a cab?" Claire voiced her confusion, eyeing the sleek, black ride skeptically.

Zayn studied the mysterious man. Suited, booted, tall, dark and strong. His eyes were piercing sharp, and his mannerism not one of a cabbie. Zayn figured something was wrong and he deemed it best to move the danger away from Niall and Claire. Quickly overcoming his discomfort, he nodded.

"Yeah, sorry. I forgot to mention it I suppose."

"Here?" Niall asked, shrewdly waving at the crowded street.

"I'll catch up with you two soon." Zayn smiled, dodging the question. He followed after the man who held the door open for him.

"Who the hell are you and where are you taking me?" Zayn asked, the moment the car sped down road.

Author's Note:

Hiyya Losties! 😃

Assalam o alaikom ☺️. Long time, no see! For some of y'all, it's years long no see lol. Hope y'all are doing well at the eve of this new year. I pray that the new year brings genuine happiness and blessings for all of us along with it 🤗.

Right, first off, the sneak-peaks are not in chronology. Someone might as well have died😱🤭

Or not. No spoilers.

Secondly, as some of you already know, I have a Patreon page now ( I put up exclusive content sometimes and early access chapters six days a month. Take a look at it. I am already updating there. The top tier is about to get "chapter 10" soon. By the time I update here, bottom tier would be six chapters ahead😃.

Anyone who has the means, and coins to spare, please support the story. It means the world to me🥰. Or, you could spread the word so 'Lost' reaches the audience of potential Patrons, and I will be able to continue sharing it with y'all for free. Thank you for your help and support 🤗.

Also, shout out to Mina (such a loyal Queen😍) and Heena (First genuine member of Sarah's Squad🥰) for your pledges. Your support means the universe to me❤️🥰.

Right, thirdly, old Losties, hi 😅. I know, three years late bit here's the sequel 😋. I am thrilled to share this continuation of Zalma's story with you. Trust me, I have been working on it for three years. I hope y'all love it. Looking forward to seeing you guys again 🥰. You lot are my favourite bunch.

(Say aye if any of you are still here lol😅)

Anyways, old Losties, I advise you to reread the prologue and chapter 79 and 82 of book I. Although, I have made changes that are sprinkled all over book I, and will be referenced in book II, I think these are the biggest changes that you definitely must read. The other changes are important but scattered, so a binge-read is recommended but it's up to you.

In terms of names, most of the Tor Gul tribe has undergone a name change. The names now are more traditional and follow a certain theme that's characteristic of there culture. Prologue would cover much of it.

Other than that, Zayn's character has been improved. More substance and backstory is added here and there.

I hope you guys will enjoy the story. There are so many cool characters waiting to make an acquaintance with you guys. So many plot twists and bangs. I'm excited to see if any of y'all saw it coming 😁.

Let me know what you look forward to the most.

Hope to see you all soon

Lots of Love


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