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                                        Madrid, Spain


          I looked out to the window. Everyone is out in the courtyard dancing to the upbeat music played by the orchestra. Sweet Tarts on the platters are being passed around. Soon the festivity will stop and everyone will have to go into the castle chateau for the Coronation of the princess Marigold. After that she is suppose to marry an unknown prince in a far off land named Lorenzo Rodriguez.

   If everything goes right she would'nt have to. I walk up to my mirror and looked at myself. My fiery red hair was in curls going down my shoulders. My Jeweled encrusted crown sat up top of head. My murky green eyes looked a bit lighter than usual. My sliver skeleton key rests on my chest, a bit above the blue bow on my golden dress. It was shiny look a new boot and on it engraved 'El Cayo Esqueleto' My Madre said this key is a very important item to this kingdom and i must kept it safe and hidden. I don't listen to her though. Why would such a magnificent key be hidden even though if I lose the key the kingdom will fall.

I pressed down my golden frilly dress.I never liked how my mother makes me wear these dreadful dresses. I walk over to my closet and grabbed my square shaped suitcase. it was a dusty brown color and and three H's on it. I opened it revealing clothes and food that would probably last me weeks. I picked up a diary the size of my hand. It was a nice red velvet color. I use my skeleton key to open the lock on my book. Emilio Livngston, my best friend made it for me . I grab my quilland dabbed it into the ink bottle. I opened my diary and began writing.

   'Ventiocho de deciembre 1857. I have already packed my belongings and about to leave, meeting Emilio at the docks to sail. It's half past three and the cornation and marrige wont perceed till four.I'll have time to flee before they notice im gone. I've said farewell to my parents eariler this morning and i told them not to send in the guards up to my bedroom at this.'

          There was a loud knock onmy doot. "Princess Marigold Espinoza it's time  for your coronation. May we come in." said a muffled voice.  It's the guards! what are they doing here so early. I thought. I closed my book locking it and put it, the quill, and the ink inside my suitcase hiding it under my bed. I flopped down on my mattress in an unlady like way. I t cleared my thorat. "¡Pase por favor. Please com in." Five guards came in with their metal armor clanking. "Princesa Marigold de España. Princess Marigold of Spain we have come for your coronación"

          I tired to keep my emotions in. "Okay then. Lets get on with this silly thing." I didn't ask why they come in so early. It was very rude.  We walked out of the room. I glanced back having a feeling i won't be returning back. Two guards walked in front of me while one stayed in the back. The other two stood at my side. We walked down the spiral staircase and through the corridor. i stopped and reared my head to the wall. Up on the wall mounted up was my Padre's collection of weapons. My favorite one was the red bloodstained double axe and the carved bow and arrows. The guard behind me nudged me a little. "Keep moving dearie" the last words of his sentence sounded strange. He had a slight english accent. i kept on moving. We arrived at the doors of the castle.

          When the guards opened the doors i didn't here an announcement of my arrival. What was also strange is that none of my guests are in they hall. There was a dark figure standing by the altar. He had slick black hair. He was wearing some outragous clothes, so outragous i giggled a bit. He was wearing something a pirate would wear. the Male looked over and smiled. It was Lorenzo! "Lorenzo what are you doing here? Are these your guards?" i asked almost feeling ashamed for asking the poor sap all of these questions. Just then the doors slammed shut and the guards grabbed me by the shoulder and hauled me over to Lorenzo. I struggled out of there grip but they were to strong. Lorenzo just kept on smiling. "Lorenzo! what is the meaning of this?" i demanded. "No meaning at all" his voice sounded so different. my eyes widned. "You are shocked by my accent, no?" "Yes, Very. You have such a strong English accent." i said.

          "Yes i do because i am Biritsh. And please refer me to my actual name. Robert Noble." I gasped. The Nobles and my family have been fueding for generations over our Treasure. "Where is my parents!" i screamed. He told the guards to let go of me. "Ah your parents. Ha-ha they are very amusing. They are busy at the moment. But the question is what am i going to do with you?" He tried to touch my face but i slapped it. "What do you mean?" i asked. "What i am saying is that we are looking for your treasure. I've search the whole kingdom. Every rock turned! I asked your parents where is it and after vigorus hours they told me you have." I shaked my head. It's obivous that the Nobles don't reason with people. He must of tortured them! "Now where is it?" I put my hands on my hips. "Well i do not know where it is. Your searching will just have to come to an end." I lied. He walked closer to me and slapped me across my face. I felt a burning sensation piercing my skin. I rubbed my face and spitted at him.

           He pointed to his guards. "You and you go up to her room and search through her things." Two guards left. He looked right back to me in disgust. "As soon as they come back with the treasure I will have your head mounted up by my wall. Next to your parents." he grinned evilly. I snapped there. I kicked Robert in his face. I took of my heels and ran through the door passing the shocked guards. I heard him screamed and i ran for my life. My room my room! i have to get my bags!  I ran through the rooms until i got to the corridor with my Padre's collection. I reached for the bloodstained axe still a bit sticky from a previous battle and headed for the spiral staircase.

          When i got to my room it was like a hurricane came through. I saw the guards seraching through my closet unaware that i was in the room. I went to grab my suitcase with the axe still in my hand when i fumbled to pick it up and it drop with a loud bang. "SHIT!" i yelled wishing that i didnt. The guards looked over and saw me. They unsheathed there swords. "D-drop the axe down or w-we'll use our swords we mean it!" the guards said. They were nervous probably they're first time on the job. I have the upper advantage. I kneed the first guard in the grine. The second guard slinged his sword towards my face but i grabbed it with my free hand and stabbed him through the heart. He collapsed. the first one tried to get up but i knocked him out with the butt of my axe.

          I grabbed my suitcase and ran to the docks where Emilio was waiting. I saw the 18 century ship at the docks and saw Emilio and the crew playing cards. He turned his head over and saw me. He smiled. But his smiled wavered. "Emilio! Emilio! start the boat!!" i yelled. I heared him scream at his crew and they ran to start the boat. I jumped inside the boat panting. "Hey Marigold what's wrong? Your 20 mintues late and where are your shoes!" he looked down at my hands to see the axe. "What happened." He sounded more serious. I  was out of breath. "Pirates...Money....Key....Stabbing" "Nevermind tell me later. Now where to?" he said taking my suitcase and axe out my hands. I looked into his misty gray eyes. "England. Head to England."



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2012 ⏰

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