Keith is half galra

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The paladins had just recently come back from a mission where they had investigated a galran base. During the mission, the team had split up, and Keith being his usual hotheaded self, took off on his own and was not responsive when the others called him to come back when they were done.

After searching for the raven for quite some time, they finally found him, but...he wasn't acting like himself; something was off.

"Keith?" Shiro asked, slowly approaching the raven; as if on cue, Keith's gaze snapped out of trance and he looked shocked to realize he'd been so out of control of himself that he had been wandering the hallways endlessly for the past hour. "Keith, what happened?" Without getting an answer, Shiro gently grabbed the raven by his shoulders, to start leading him back to the lions so they could finally leave the base.

On the way back, Keith continued to stay silent, worrying the black paladin even more. During the whole time period Shiro had known Keith, he always had a tendency to not talk about emotional or difficult things, but his behavior now was...out unnervingly of the ordinary. Shiro led Keith into the black lion, and sat the raven down next to him in the cockpit, giving him a slightly concerned glance before starting up the lion and heading back to the castle.

Not many minutes after taking off, Hunk's voice appeared on the panel. "Good thing you found him Shiro, we have been looking for hours! How is he, and what happened?" Shiro heard the concern in Hunk's questions but decided that it was best to leave the worrying for later when they arrived back at the castle.

"Well talk more when we get back guys. For now, just focus on steering your lions after me." Shiro sighed; he pressed a few buttons, dialing Allura to open a wormhole so they could get back faster.

For Keith's sake, it was for the best he got back in a comfortable space, so they could figure out what happened to him when he disappeared. At the moment, the raven's silence was just making everyone worried, which wasn't helping the situation.


Once back at the castle, the other paladins could immediately sense something was wrong with Keith, but to avoid crowding him, Shiro stepped in front of the raven to give him space, being the protective brother figure, and leader he was.

"Im getting Coran!" Pidge said, quickly hurrying to get the ginger altean. A moment later she came back with him at her heels, and he slowly approached Keith with the same concerned look on his face Shiro had before.

"Keith, talk to me. What happened at the base?" Coran asked, placing a gentle hand on the raven's shoulder; Keith's reaction just caused them all to be more concerned.

He flinched.

Coran sighed desperately, then glanced at Shiro standing not far away. The black paladin clenched his jaw in concern, then silently motioned for Coran to help get Keith to his room, where they could talk in privacy. "Come on Keith," Coran muttered, leading the raven towards his room; the rest of the paladins stood by and watched, not knowing what to make of the situation.

They couldn't do much anyway, as they didn't know what had happened either.

Coran, Shiro, and Keith entered the raven's room, where finally Keith let his guard down a bit and made his way to his bed, sitting down in exhaustion. "I know you want to know what happened, but I don't know if I'm ready to talk about it yet..." Keith muttered.

Coran and Shiro stayed silent for a moment but understood the situation was more complicated than they had thought. Coran awkwardly shifted, clearing his throat. "Well if that's the case, you can tell us when you're ready. Just know, whatever happened, we're here for you and can help you get through it."

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