Meeting the Host Club!

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(Y/N) Stood at the gates of Ouran Academy. She took a deep breath and entered the school, finding her locker. (Y/N) straitened her skirt and opened her locker. Yes, skirt. (Y/N) hated the school uniform. That's why she wore the boys blazer with a black skirt, combat boots, and knee socks. (Y/N) was in class 1-A. It was her first day here at Ouran, and the start of the second week she came to Japan.

(Y/N) entered the doors of the classroom, all eyes on her. Yes, she was late. "Ah, (y/N), class, this (Y/N). She is a student from ((H/C = Home Country). People gasped and whispered about her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw three boys looking at her. Two, looked a lot alike, both with blond hair and blue eyes. Another had fiery red hair and eyes. "(Y/N)?"

"H-Huh? Yah?" You snapped out of your daze and looked at the teacher. "You can go sit by the Kurusu twins." He pointed to the two blonds looking at you. You nodded and sat between them. "Hi!" They said in unison. "H-Hi?" You said, a little freaked out by them. "Sup? I'm Syo, this is my twin Kaoru."

"Your name is (Y/N)? That's pretty." The other twin, also known as Kaoru, said.


"You should come to the host club~." You looked at Syo, who was grinning at you. The bell rang for class to end. You started to leave the class, when you heard something behind you. "Hey." You turned to see the Kurusu twins standing there. "Come to the Host club, Kay?" they said, in unison (DUH). You nodded, slightly creeped out. "It's in music room 3." Kaoru said.

Classes went by really slowly, but the school wasn't that bad. Especially not the food, like at your other school. You hadn't found out who the redhead was yet either.

You had to find music room 3, which took you a while, since you were new. You sighed, and looked cautiously at the door. 'what is a host club anyways?' You thought, as you slowly opened the doors. Rose petals flew everywhere, as you heard a group of guys say "Welcome!"

"What the-?" you said. Before you stood a group of guys:

An extremely tall guy with long orange hair, who had a smirk plastered on his face. A blond with glasses, who held a plush of a yellow chick-duck thing, the twins who were grinning also, and the redhead from earlier. There was also two guys with blue hair and blue eyes, one had strait cut hair, the other with a slight messy hairstyle, holding a black book.

"Would you look at that, a new customer!" The blond with glasses said.

The orange haired guy walked up to getting really close. "Well hello kitten~." He said smirking. He smelled of rich cologne, which made you cringe a little, being you, you hated the smell of cologne. "Are you here for the host club?" he chuckled. "Obviously." He said, shoving the rose into your hand. "T-the twins asked me to come so..." You looked at the ground twirling the rose between your fingers. You felt a hand lift your head, making you look deeply into the blue eyes of the orange haired male.

"Well, well, well." He stood up then stepped to the side, revealing the other 'hosts'. "What is a host club anyway?" you asked, inspecting the handsome boys. "A host club, is a group of handsome young men, who have too much time on their hands, that entertain ladies, who also have too much time on their hands! Just think of it as a playground for the rich and beautiful at Ouran academy!" The blond with glasses said as he smiled and cuddled his duck. "you must have practiced that a lot..." you said.

The orange chuckled. "May I ask your name?"

"(Y/N), may I ask yours?" You said back. He smirked yet again.

"Thats Ren, The redhead over there is Ittoki, the one with the duck is Natsuki, The silent one is Hijirikawa, and the one with the book is Tokiya. We've already introduced ourselves." Syo said.

"Which 'type' do you prefer? The Little Devil type," Ren pointed to the twins.

"the cool type," He now pointed to Tokiya.

"The natural type," Ittoki.

"The Strong and silent type," Hijrikawa.

"The boy Lolita," Natsuki.

"Or, maybe even, you'd like to spend some time, with me~." He said with a wink.

"Um, I-I n-need to go.... ITWASNICEMEETINGYOUTHOUGHYOUALLAREVERYCREEPYGOODDAY!" You shrieked as you ran out. You felt seven pairs of eyes watching you as you left.

Ren chuckled silently. "She's interesting."

The twins smirked. "Is there a way we can persuade her to come back~?" They asked in unison.

Natsuki smiled. "Good thinking!"

Tokiya and Hijirikawa watched with interest.

And ittoki, watched, stunned. "Hmmm..."

As you quickled walked through the halls to your locker, the one question kept popping into your mind. "Which type do you prefer?" Hmm, maybe I should go back... you though as you left the building.

Little did you know, the host club would be watching you carefully.

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