Chapter 2 - ॐ

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Once in a Lifetime

The sun rose to mark the start of a new day.

I woke up from the brightness that crept past the window blinds, shielding my face from the blinding sunshine. I turned the opposite direction to escape the invasive streams of light.

The bright rays quickly warmed up what was left of the chilly night before. I pushed off some of my comforter with a groan as it got warmer, allowing the air conditioning to cool me down.

"...It's morning already?" I grumbled wearily with my face pressed down in my pillow.

I blindly reached for my phone that was plugged in on the nightstand and pulled it free. I peered at my screen with one squinted eye and 9:09 stared back at me in bold numbers.

Just then, my phone started vibrating in my grasp. A unknown number displayed itself and I picked up with hopes of it being a client.

"Hello?" I answer in a rougher tone then I meant.

"I'm sorry! Did I wake you?" A silvery sweet voice poured into my ears. I adjusted myself as I propped up my head with my elbow, so my brain could better assess the conversation.

I gently cleared my throat, "No, not at all. May I ask who I'm speaking with?"

"My name is Braille, I found your page on insta and was hoping to book you." The voice responded, and it sounded like a young girl speaking.

I couldn't contain my excitement as a small smile soared across my face. "Yeah? What were you hoping to book?" I asked.

"You do videos as well, right?"

"Yes, I do." I responded. The girl let out a breath of relief as she cheered, "Yay! Okay, that's great! You got no videos posted so I wasn't sure..."

I let out a light laugh. "Right. I mainly do photography but I do video shooting per request. It's just not usual," I explain.

"I'm glad to hear that! When's the earliest you're available?" She asked. I answered, "Just let me know whatever time is best for you."

"Could I schedule a appointment with you today or is that too soon?" She asked, and I could feel the girl pouting through the phone.

"Give me a time, and I'll be there." I told her and the the girl celebrated, "Yes! I'm so happy! Will 12:30 this afternoon work?"

"Yes, ma'am. Can you tell me what it's for?" I ask. Judging by how young she seemed, I assumed it was for a amateur music video. Nowadays, everyone wants to be the next big rapper or singer.

There was a brief moment of silence. She finally responds, "A home video. Let's talk about it more in person. For some reason, I'm feeling a lot more shyer over the phone."

I thought nothing of it. I replied, "No problem. I'll see you at 12:30 then, love."

"You too! I'll text you the deets right now. Have a good remainder of your morning!" The girl said and the call ended afterward.

I released a breath as I laid back in bed.

I closed my eyes and easily drifted back asleep. Some time passed, and a sudden feeling of dread ripped me from my slumber. I realized my mistake as I yelled, "Shit! What time is it!?"

I frantically searched my sheets before finding my phone on the floor between the bed and the nightstand. It was now 11:38.

"Fuck... I'm gonna be late!" I shouted as I got out of bed, and ran to my closet.

I pulled an outfit together and brushed my teeth in the 22 minutes I had, deciding my shower from last night would have to suffice.

My hair was a mess when I got on the train, making it just in time. My heart was beating erratically as I sat in the first seat I spotted.

I stepped off the train with high hopes, despite the circumstances. It's been a while since I last shot anything and I couldn't wait.

Time was running from me and I hastily headed for the caller's address.

I wondered if I was at the right door as I stood outside the door number texted to me.

...Would it be impolite if I knocked?

I heard a chain drop, the knob unlock, and it turned as the door opened itself.

"Why aren't you ringing the doorbell?" A soft voice asked and I looked up to a familiar face. Those brown eyes stood out like a sore thumb and she smiled hugely when she saw my face.

"We meet again." Taye says and I was at a loss for words. It'd been three weeks since we met and I had easily lost hope in us reuniting.

...Well, I'll be damned!

"What're you doing here?" I asked in utter disbelief. I'm certain that it was a younger girl that I spoke to on the phone.

"I just killed the owner." Taye responds without an ounce of humor. I looked at her crazy and she let out a laugh, "I'm kidding, love. I live here."

"Why didn't you tell me it was you that was booking me?" I asked.

"It wasn't me, come in." She said as she gestured me inside. She locked the door behind us and I glanced around at her place.

It was beautiful. There wasn't a spec of dust in sight. The hardwood floors themselves looked as if they were waxed on a daily.

"If it wasn't you, who was it?" I asked.

"My girlfriend." Taye responds and I felt my heart drop about a centimeter.

I wasn't surprised. It would've been more of a shock if she was single.

Taye then said, "She told me this morning. I didn't know it'd be you."

She sat down on the couch and I took a seat on the armchair that was separate. Taye looked at the empty space beside her before looking back at me, "Why're you so far?"

...Are you trying to set me up?

"I'm fine where I am." I respond, and the woman's intense gaze lingered on me. I began to feel self-conscious and berated myself for not putting more effort into getting dressed.

...If only I had woke up in a timely manner.

"I'm quite glad that it turned out to be you." Taye says, "...It's as if it was fate."

"Well, if it's your girlfriend who booked me, where is she?" I asked, glancing around the seemingly vacant home. It was way too quiet for me.

...Why hasn't she came out and greeted me?

I was beginning to wonder if Taye had really ended up murdering my client.

"Oh, right..." Taye responds and she shifted her position into a more comfortable one. She made sure to lock eyes with me as she said, "First, I need to find out if you're cut out for this."

"Have you ever shot pornography before?"



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