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Hello. I am Amber Lawley , yes I am Kian Lawleys sister. But he pretty much disappeared from my life. He moved away with his friends and I am mad at him ever since it. I am 6 years old. I have no mom she died in a car accident 2 years ago when I was 4. Kian moved away when I was 5. My dad went crazy by then Kian didn't see what my dad did to me. Every single day while I was at school he would go to a bar get drunk then come home and abuse me 24/7.
*Beep Beep* My alarm clock went off and I had to go to school so I got out my jean dress and some black legging, combat boots. I walked downstairs to see my dad already chugging down a bottle of wine when he saw me he was about to throw a punch when I dodged it and ran for the door and on the way out I grabbed my backpack and headed out. I knew I was going to regret that later.
*Skip school because it's boring*
It was the last day of school because of spring break.I was on my way home when I remembered I dodged my dads punch. So I decided to go to my neighbours house because they always are nice to me and they know about my dad abusing me so I went there for a little bit. When I looked at the time I realized that it was 6:00pm and my school got off at 2:45pm I'm in so much trouble. I said bye to my neighbours and left home. I crept in and I realized that the stairs made a giant crack I didn't hear him get up so I kept on walking up the stairs when I got pulled back by my hair I fell to the ground and my dad started kicking me in the stomach and punching me then he tried to get me to drink alcohol but I refused so he slapped me so hard that his hand hurt I started to cry so hard that my cheeks were soaked.Then police came in and took my dad away and a police lady came to me and she saw the hand print on my cheek from when my dad slapped me. She asked me questions.
Police Lady"Do you have any other relatives?"
Amber"My Brother, Kian"
Police Lady"ok go pack"
I said ok and with that I ran up stairs and started packing.
*What I packed*
-Clothes & Bathroom stuff (hairbrush toothbrush)
-My iPhone 5s and MacBook
-My picture of my mom,dad,me,and Kian.😭
A man came up and brought my stuff for my suitcases and bag down to a cop car and one car took my dad and the Police Lady took me somewhere I don't know where but it was a long drive she I fell asleep.
*Kians P.O.V*
I heared a knocked on the door so I told the boys I would get I went to the door and opened it to a police lady with little girl suitcases and a police man behind her with Amber in his hands I took Amber up to my room and went back downstairs and told them to come in they sat down on our couches and asked who was Kian lawley I said I am so they told me what my father has been doing to Amber abusing her and getting her to take drugs but she refused every time. I had teary eyes by the end of what they told me.They said if I don't take her they could easily take her to an orphanages. I said I will take her so with that they left.I went up to my room to see Amber awake and playing with her cute little Barbie dolls and toys. Once she recognized me she yelled "KIAN" and ran up and hugged me.I picked her up and walked around for a bit when I heard tiny cute snores I placed her on her bed and took off her combat boots her black leggings and jean dress and put on her cute little hello kitty Onzie and placed her under neath the covers and went down stairs.
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