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Robert woke up feeling tired. Last night was a blur. He wiped off his eyes and looked around. There were clothes scattered everywhere and the sheets were all messed up. He smelt bacon. He immediately jumped out of bed and ran into the kitchen. He saw Ulysses standing in front of the stove wearing his "kiss the chef" apron.

"Good morning sweetie." Ulysses said.

"Do you know what happened last night?" Robert asked.

"Well, let's just say that Finland invited us over to her sex chamber and we came home early." A wide smile spread across Ulysses's face. Then he quickly turned around to see that the bacon was burning.

"You ready for some breakfast?"

Robert and Ulysses sat down to eat. Ulysses was going on about how he has plans for tomorrow to meet up with his mom and get their nails done. Robert couldn't stop thinking about last night. How could he not remember? Was he drunk?

"So..." Ulysses began.

"So what?"

Ulysses sighed. "Did you see the present I gave you?"

"A present?"

"Yes it's on the nightstand if you want to go get it."

Robert went back into the bedroom to see this 'present' Ulysses was talking about. He knew what it was the second he saw it. And he nearly crapped his pants.

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