Soon (A poem dedicated to Michael Buble and his Music)

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At the end of May

You feel like the next day is yesturday

You wake up and the misty sunlight peers through

Your window making you smile

Reminisce and get up to stand in the golden glow

You hear the song you played all of last night

Streaming through your head

you can't seem to learn it on guitar

So you play piano instead

You hear his voice

Sweet and making your heart squeeze

If I could meet you

Tears would stream down my face

Your music is beautiful

Voice is smooth as velvet

Easy to listen to

Cry to

Jump with joy to

Celebrate love with

Let you best friends sing along with

Sleepover perfect

Heartbreak mending

True love never ending

I love your music

I will forever

Michael Buble

Makes rain a sunny day

In my head

No fear nor dread

Your songs are a majesty

In their own

I hope I can meet you


One day


Soon (A poem dedicated to Michael Buble and his Music)Where stories live. Discover now