Chapter 1

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It was time for the journey home on the Hogwarts Express. I set off down the corridor, looking for an empty compartment. Every compartment was filled with the laughter of students some playing exploding sanp others discussing their plans for summer. I had grown immune to the lonely feeling since I didn't have a single friend.

I got over with my 4th year, my existence still unknown to people except the universal bullies a.k.a my housemates.

Well, your housemates are supposed to be your family but I couldn't expect much from the fellow slytherins, could I?

The reason is pretty simple. During our second year I stood against Pansy bullying the new comers and since then she marked me as her target.
Talk of the devil and the devil is here.
"Hey Wilson, still on your own, no friends?"
Smirked Pansy.

Trying to make me feel sad about my life. Uh uhh. Not happening.

"To what do I owe the honour of your presence Miss. Parkinson?" I stated with a fake smile. Note the sarcasm.

"Well you see, unlike you I have a group of friends and need a compartment to ourselves. Mind if you go somewhere else?"

"Why should I? I was the first to come here."

"We can share it though." Theo spoke from behind Pansy. To which Pansy gave Theo a death glare.

I guess I should leave. Not because I was afraid of them, I won't be afraid of such jerks even in a century but because I wanted to avoid their bitchy conversations.

Either way they will be taking this compartment and sharing with them seemed a horrible idea. I picked up my trunk and the book lying near the window which I was planning to read during the journey.

I went out of the door. Soon after that Theo, Malfoy, his two sidekicks entered the compartment and made themselves comfortable.

An idea occurred in my mind. I turned around and knocked on the door. Pansy opened it.

"Parkinson, Did I mention you are looking beautiful."

"Am I dreaming. Wilson is complementing me. " she said to the group smiling.

"Just one thing is missing." And saying that I slapped her. She gasped, pupils about to fall off her eyes and mouth hanging as low as the ground.

"The red flush will make you look more beautiful. Byebye." I said in a sing song manner waving my hand and left.

Satisfied by my artwork on her checks I went to sit with some second years.

I was glad that I didn't have to put an act just to get fitted among them because I was already labeled as a traitor and outcast.

I try to fight with the pureblood stereotypes in my own way despite the fact that I have Black family's blood flowing in my veins. Still wondering who I am?

Emara Wilson. Emara Wilson Black...
Daughter of Sirius Black and Skylar Wilson. My mom died giving birth to me. Aunt Andromeda took me in after my father got arrested. And since then I have been going with the maiden name of mom so that people don't know my real identity.

It has been a year since dad is on the run. Aunt Andromeda has told me about everything be it about my father being treated wrong by his family or about the marauders or how he was innocent yet she couldn't do anything to prove it.

The first time I boarded Hogwarts Express, I was super excited to meet Harry Potter, godson of my father with whom I was supposed to spend my childhood. But I was sorted in Slytherin. Like every other student he too despised slytherins and Malfoy and his sidekicks including Parkinson did nothing good to change the fact. Hence I started avoiding him. I wonder wether he even knows about his godfather's daughter or not.

Anyways I am happy on my own.

Please suggest me some title names for this book. I have no idea what to name it.

Disclaimer: Complete wizarding world belongs to J.K. Rowling except Emara and Skylar Black.

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