Physics Problem

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Snowflakes swirled and whizzed outside the window, it was that time of year again.
Even though Mc lived at the mansion with everyone, her old memories still didn't leave her, they'd come up like a ghost risen from the dead to haunt her and hit her with a wave of embarrassment from time to time.
Winter was a fun time of the year with holidays right around the corner, but it was also an unwanted reminder of her of science exams at high school, which always seemed to happen in the winter.
those exams never failed to embarrass her again and again.
Either her pencil case would fall, or she'd sneeze and break the silence, she'd even once had her chair fall backwards with her on it.
But those where just minor mishaps, what really hit hard was the fact that she didn't understand the material, like at all, everybody knew it but no one dared to say a word, then it would happen.
That sad smile and those awkward eyes, the look of pity.
That never failed to make Mc's cheeks burn in embarrassment.
Now paired with the mishaps, it was hell.

Her worst unit was physics.
Funny how fate played an odd trick on her and she was now the beloved of the greatest physicist of all time, Isaac Newton.
She adores it when he talks about it with passion, but she dares not giving it a try in his presence, lest she embarrasses herself worse in front of him.
She never could find the courage to tell him exactly how bad she was at it, or how it brought her nothing but embarrassment.
Then she would get that look again, that horrid look of pity, from the darling face of Isaac.
She wouldn't be able to handle that.

She turned away from the window upon hearing her name being called.
"Mc, there you are"
It was Isaac grining ear to ear.
"You'll never believe the projects I'm grading at the university, these students sure are a promising bunch" he chattered
"That's lovely Isaac" Mc happily responded happily looking at the satisfaction written all over his face.
"The look in their eyes reminds me of when I discovered the laws of gravity" he chattered blissfully
"The law of what goes up must come down" affirmed Mc digging it up from her memory
"That's the one" laughed Isaac
They walked around together while Isaac told Mc about the university and his classes
They finally came to his bedroom and Mc sat on the bed while Isaac was flipping through pages excitedly telling Mc about the discussions he had with his class until he came upon a question that seemed to rub Mc the wrong way.
"How was physics class in your time" he asked as the question hung in the air

Mc fumbled for the right words as her ears turned a pink hue, she needed to think of something quick before her cheeks threatened to color change as well.
"An experience" she said curtly
"What kind" asked Issac
"With numbers, and formulas" Mc quickly responded, nodding in agreement with her own assessment.
"Ah, how wonderful" exclaimed Isaac as Mc quietly had a sigh of relief.
Then Issac started again "A while back Sebastian told me physics has even gotten far enough as to know the composition of an atom, that's incredible and I've been reading up on it from documents and facts you and Sebastian brought back with you, so I was wondering, has anyone figured out how life evolved from non living matter?"

Mc stuttered a bit and mumbled "Isaac, I don't know what to say"
Isaac studied her features and her tone, he had his suspicions for a while now but he seemed to be catching onto something today.
Mc didn't hate him talking about physics, but she almost always completely at a loss of what to say once the the conversation gets turned onto her.

"Mc was physics not enjoyable for you?" He asked
Mc sighed, it was now or never
"Actually Isaac, you're right, back in high school physics was my worst unit when it came to science, I understood nothing in the unit and everyone could tell and on top of that my insecurities about not knowing it caused me to be clumsy and mess up a lot, nothing makes me feel humiliated quite like physics" she explained
Isaac listened carefully.
"I love you so much Isaac and I love what you do and I have nothing but the highest respect, it's inspiring to watch you work and discover new things, but I like watching you from a this safe distance, I don't think I could live with myself if I mess up a physics question in front of you"
Isaac walked over and knelt down to look Mc in the eye
"Mc, I would never think less of you for not knowing something in physics, that's absurd, I love you for who you are and I'll never think less of you no matter what, if it helps, feel free to ask me questions in your favorite subject or unit and I'll gladly mess it up to show you that I love you, and if you want and have even the slightest bit of curiosity on physics left in you, I promise to be the most patient, understanding, and only personal physics teacher you've ever had"

"Isaac" Mc said as her eyes stung with tears
"I don't know what words to use besides thank you, thank you Isaac" she cried
"I love you Mc" he replied
"I love you too Isaac, I love you so much" she sobbed
He got up and sat beside her, gently rubbing soothing circles on her back as she calmed down and after a little while of that, Mc started talking some more.
Isaac, thank you for letting me trust you with everything" Mc said
"It's you I should be thanking for trusting me" smiled Isaac
Issac fidgeted a bit where he sat with a pensive look in his eye.
If he where a hedgehog his spikes would've been up,
Then he seemed to make up his mind with a deep breath.
Letting those spikes down.
His face turned many dark shades of red as he said :
"You know Mc, you have a gravity of your own, I always feel drawn to you, and the closer I am to you, the stronger the gravitational pull is"
Then he awkwardly pulled her into a hug.

"Isaac, you're adorable! Did Sebastian teach you that?" Laughed Mc
"Quite possibly, yes, yes he did" confirmed Isaac as he smiled, he was ready to make a fool of himself if it would guarantee Mc's happiness
"You seemed to understand what I said there, I by far wouldn't call you lost at physics" remarked Issac
Mc blushed and said "if this is what physics is like in you're class then I can't wait!"
Isaac looked "Mc, I hope you come to enjoy it as well! I'll make it the most enjoyable subject you've ever had"
"I'm looking forward to it" cheered Mc

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2021 ⏰

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