2 | The first visit

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It was just another day at school in Françoise Dupont high school at first hour.
—Good morning let's start our chemistry class. —Ms. Mendeleiev said
—Lila, take your seat quickly, we are about to start. —The teacher said
—I'm sorry Ms. Mendeleiev, but I was feeding poor dogs and cats in the street, they looked so hungry and alone. —Lila replied sorrowfully

—I have never seen you before, are you new? —Lila asked
—Yes, I am Elena and this is Miranda, we are from Mexico. And over there is Tiago from Brazil. We are your new classmates from exchange.
—Oh that's cool, nice to meet you, by the way... I was in those countries before, they are beautiful!
—Really? What do you like the most about Mexico? —Miranda asked
—Well, you know... —Lila said trying to invent something
—I don't remember that much, I took photos and videos with my camera but I lost it. I better go and take my seat. —Lila said

Marinette looked at them and moving her lips (without speaking) told them she was a liar.
—Don't need advice, we knew it since the moment she opened her mouth. —Elena whispered to Marinette

Lila frowned and gave an evil smile discreetly. She must be planning something.

Later, nothing important occured during school time. It was time to go back home.
—Listen, guys, remember this is our first meeting with the new ones, we are taking them to the Louvre museum, and after if there's time, I will take all of you to the bakery. —Marinette said
—Adrien, would you come with us? —She asked Adrien
—I'm not sure, I have fencing lessons, if I finish on time, and my father let me... I will definitely go with you.
—Okay, so see you at 5 everyone. —Marinette said out loud

Everybody left except Alya, Nino and Marinette, that stayed together after the announcement.
—Do you still love Adrien? —Alya said in a low voice
—Unfortunately yes... after what happened in New York, I know I love him and it won't be easy to forget. —Marinette said in a sad tone
—Don't worry, you haven't ask if he loves you back, if you don't confess you will never know. You are being better, Marinette. I don't know if you have noticed that you hesitate less and also you are more confident than before. You can do it this time, trust me, and if he doesn't love you back, is his lost not yours.
—Thank you, Alya. I feel more comfortable now, but I think he is dating Kagami. I will talk to him as soon as I feel is the right time. —Marinette added
—She can do it, right, Nino? —Alya asked
—Of course, I will talk to my dude to make sure he is single or not, don't worry. —Nino answered

After that pep talk, they went home to do their stuff, eat, do homework, and be ready for 5 pm.
—Let's wait a little longer in case someone comes late. —Marinette said
—Okay, so we have Alya, Nino, Ivan, Mylene, Juleka, Rose, Luka, Alix, so we're just waiting for Kim and Max. Adrien probably won't make it.

They waited more minutes for all the people to arrive.
—Now we are complete, let's go inside. —Marinette said
—There are a lot of pigeons here, I thought only in Latin America happened. —Tiago said
—Like what? —Nino asked
—There's always an exaggerated amount of pigeons in specific places, like churches, parks, museums etc. I think It would be different here. —Tiago explained
—No, dude, I guess is the same for all the countries. —Nino said

The groups separated a little, Elena and Miranda, Mylene and Ivan, Alya and Nino, Juleka and Rose, and Luka was getting close to Marinette.
—Marinette, Can we talk? —Luka said
—Of course, what's up Luka?
—We haven't talked at all since you went to New York, did you clear everything up and make up your mind?
—Something like that, the truth is that I still love Adrien but I haven't told him yet, that's my last chance if he rejects me I can forget my feelings for him for real... I'm sorry.
—It's okay, take your time, the important thing is that you express your emotions, don't save them it feels worst, you know you can count on me, whenever you need me I will be there for you. —Luka said

They hugged while Elena and Miranda were looking at them.
—Did you see? That's a cute guy —Miranda said
—The one that is with Marinette? I have never seen him before, at least is not from our class.  —Elena replied
—Don't get distracted with boys, look at this part, there were miraculous all over the world from different ages. —Also Elena said
—This is a ladybug from Middle age? That's cool!
—Not only ladybug was in ancient times, look all of this, different miraculous that we didn't even know! —Miranda said impressed

Meanwhile, there's a loud noise from the top of the museum, is a villain... the same as usual Mr. Pigeon.
—Run, guys! The back door is that way. —Marinette said out loud and pointed the door

Marinette found a good place to transform.
—Tikki, we have to fight this victim again.
—Tikki, spots on, yeah!

After the transformation, ladybug ran out of the museum. Cat Noir was waiting for her outside.
—We have to do this again, bugaboo. —Cat Noir said
—I know, when will he learn? I thought he had found a new pet. —Ladybug replied
—That's right, fools. Mow I'm not only Mr. Pigeon, I'm also Mr. Rat. —He said and laughed evilly after that phrase
—I guess he really took our advice. —Cat Noir said and chuckled nervously
—Surely we can beat him as we did the other 'who knows how many times'. —Ladybug added
—What should we do with the rats? —Cat Noir asked
—Wait and see... —Ladybug answered

—Lucky charm!
—Sticky paper, perfect.
—Distract them Cat Noir, I will put this paper on the street so we get them pasted. —Also Ladybug
—Got it, M'lady.
—Hey rats, are you hungry? Just follow me.
—This is strange, I thought cats eat rats, this is backwards...

Cat Noir ran, the rats and also Mr. Pigeon followed him. And in a short time, they were stuck on the floor.
—Now, do your thing, Cat Noir. —Ladybug shouted
—No more evil doing for you like akuma. Time to de-evilize!
—Gotcha! Bye-bye, little butterfly.
—Miraculous ladybug!
—Pound it. —Ladybug and Cat Noir said while they bumped fists

After they finished, Elena and Miranda got closer to them.
—Hey guys, can we talk just a little bit? —Elena said
—Sure what's- Oh, no. —Ladybug said while her earrings were ringing
—We are about to transform back but there will be a Q&A on TV where you can ask whatever you want to us. We'll wait for your questions. Bug out!
—See ya! —Cat Noir added

The superheroes of Paris left
—This is unbelievable! This is the second time they didn't listen to us. —Elena said complaining
—Don't worry, Elena. We have plenty of time to talk to them. —Miranda replied
—Aren't you bored? —Elena said disappointed
—Well, I have an idea, I will tell you tomorrow before we going to school what we are going to do to attract their attention. Let's join the group.

The group of friends got together outside the museum.
—Sorry guys, I was running to get the macaroons. There you go... take one! —Marinette said
—Did you learn something at the museum, by the way?
—Yes, there's a lot of history we didn't know. Don't worry, I really enjoy the meeting. —Miranda said
—Me too. —Elena replied
—I really like it, thank you all. —Tiago added

Adrien and Kagami arrived with their fencing clothes.
—Adrien, just in time. —Marinette said
—I bring Kagami, I hope there's no problem. Do you have for both of us? —Adrien said
—Of course, pick them.
—Thank you for coming everyone, see you tomorrow! —Marinette said

We're meant to be together [Adrinette] *CORRECTING*Where stories live. Discover now