Chapter 1

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With a slow beating rhythm you could feel his heartbeat, right beneath your head. It was warm. Not much of a suprise there, with Katsuki around it was always warm.

But that's what you liked. Him. The way he never failed to make you warm all over. That was one of the few things about your boyfriend that were consistent. Which is what you were grateful for.

He knew what to do and how to treat you.

With a health condition like yours nothing was really out of the usual. But with a boyfriend like that boring was the last word you'd describe your days with.

And it's all thanks to him.

He keeps you going when your lost- or rather, he doesn't allow you to get lost in the first place. Katsuki knew about your condition since the day you met- it was the reason why you've met actually, and ever since, he had been mothering you like no other.

One would think that you wouldn't like that very much, considering how your everyday life used be so mundane and dull, but with Katsuki it's different.

He knew when you'd have to take your meds, he knew what to do when you felt dizzy, he knew all the emergency numbers on your phone, front to back and back to front.

Maybe that was why you fell for him that fast.

You turned your gaze upwards, looking at his face while he was reading. He looked so focused. You stared harder.


You started laughing.


He barked, suddenly irritated.

Yeah right

You knew damn well that, that was not the reason why you fell for this overly aggressive and hotheaded headgehog.

You took in his irked epression. The way he'd suddenly lose all focus, the way his eyes would burn with fury and his teeth gritt together. Yes you loved all of it. Especially that blush that adored his cheeks once he became aware of your staring.

He grumbled. "whats up with that look anyways? I got somethin' on my face or what?"

You smiled.

"No, not at all"

Your eyes grew soft and you layed back down onto his chest. He stared at you questioningly until he just accepted his confusion and went back to reading with a slight pout, which he'd deny having if you were to mention it.

You sighed happily.

It was this. Just this. He just had this thing about him, that you couldn't quite put to words.

He just knew how to yank you out of the dullness and into a world of excitement. Unlike the medical staff, he wasn't always soft on you. He didn't baby you the entire time, quite the opposite actually. He made sure that could stand on your own two feet because your not helpless, yet.

He was aware that if things take a bad turn then he'd have to carry you, but right now his priority was to get you to move. To not agree on laying around all day. He wanted you to want it. The desire to live a life that isn't full of shit, as he had said.

He is the reason why youre not staring at blank hospital walls anymore. It's because of him that you were able to enjoy your life again - the last time that happened being when you were about to turn 4.

That had to be why you couldn't help falling for him, why you would suddenly feel warm all over when it's freezing outside, why you'd fall asleep with a smile and why you would get excited about waking up again. To see him again.

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