Mother's Ring

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It's been a few years since Lockwood & Company had destroyed Marissa Fittes' plans of combining sources. Lockwood and I have been dating since and now we're twenty and twenty-one, still pretty young, but old enough that we shouldn't be able to use our psychic abilities. Key word bring should. Although George and Holly have lost their senses, my hearing and Lockwood's sight only seemed to grow. So, while Lockwood and I work the cases at night, Holly sets up the equipment and makes the appointments while George handles the research on the property.

Everything is as it should be, except Lockwood. Lately, he's been fidgety and his mind constantly wanders. Sometimes I wonder if I did something wrong, but when I ask him, he says it's nothing. Then last Tuesday, I saw him, Holly, and George talking in hushed tones at the table, and when I walked in, they went completely quiet. This was getting annoying.

By Friday, I was fed up with this secrecy. I was practicing on Floating Joe when George came downstairs. "Oh, Lucy, there you are. We have a case for tonight. It's at Highgate Cemetery. Night guard said there was movement and a strong feeling of depression. Could be a type two so bring extra chains. And don't set the whole bloody place on fire again."

I sighed heavily. "Are you four going to let go of that one time?"


I huffed and wandered over to where he'd taken a seat at his desk. "Tell me the truth," I said, examining my rapier. "What is going on with Lockwood?"

George didn't look the slightest bit startled. "All will be known soon, don't you worry, Lucy."

Feeling dejected, I slid into a chair across from the man. "He's been acting so weird, how can I not worry?"

George sighed and looked over his glasses at me. "He's just a little nervous right now. Give him a little more time and everything will turn out fine."

Lockwood? Nervous? "Whatever is he nervous for? Does he have a meeting at Scotland Yard again?"

"All will be revealed soon, Lucy. Just be patient."

'Well,' I thought. 'Patience really was never my virtue.' I was starting to feel bitter. I could understand talking to George because they've known each other, but Holly, too? Wait... "Hey, George, where's Holly and Lockwood?"

The bookworm paled. "Nowhere?"

"Then why aren't they here?"

"I'm busy, Lucy."

"Where are they?!"

"Where you aren't!" he yelled. "They didn't want to be around you today, so they left. To go do something..."

My heart pounded in my ears. I couldn't hear anything. They didn't want to be near me? Lockwood didn't want me?

"Lucy?" I turned to see Lockwood coming down the stairs with a worried look on his face. "Luce, what's wrong?"

I placed my rapier in the basket with the others and brushed past Lockwood to head up the stairs. "I hope you liked your date with Holly," I said. Through the kitchen, down the hall, I finally ran into Holly who was still taking off her coat.

"What's wrong, Lucy?" she asked as I ran up to the attic bedroom, collapsing on my bed.

Tears were freely flowing down my cheeks. Of course, Perfect Holly. Nice hair, tan skin, straight teeth, everything you'd ever want in a woman. Nothing like me at all. I almost always have dirt under my nail, I sleep longer than I should, and I never grow out my hair where it's longer than my shoulders. Every part of me is different from Holly, but she is more desirable.

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