Chapter 1

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It was Monday the 13th of August, my 13th birthday, and I was heading to the beach for an early morning walk before school. I was walking down the beach barefoot, feeling the waves splashing against my feet. I sat down and watched the beautiful sunrise. The sky was covered in beautiful fiery colors that streaked across the sky. It was quite relaxing to just sit there on the beach watching the sun slowly rise over the ocean, the sound of the waves crashing against shore was a beautiful sound. Too soon it was time to go to school. I stood up and brushed the sand off my jeans. Then I started walking up to the house. I grabbed my shoes and started heading for school. I arrived at school just in time to hear the bell ring. "Oh shoot! I'm late!" I exclaimed as I took off in a sprint towards my first class. I got to math class just as the teacher called my name. I quickly sat down in my seat in the corner of the room. Math class went by quite quickly and as I was heading to my second class, swimming class, this beautiful feather floated down out of the sky. It was red, orange, and yellow. It looked like a Phoenix feather! I quickly attached it to the chain I wore around my neck all the time, and ran to the gym. As soon as I got to the building, I went into the girl’s locker room, and changed into my black, one-piece bathing suit. Then I took off my necklace and set my clothes and necklace in my locker. I jumped straight into the pool as soon as I was changed. Normally we had P.E. but today we were swimming instead. Our P.E. teacher had us all take a "swim test" to see how well we could swim. Because I lived on the beach my entire life I learned to swim when I was very young and I was a very strong swimmer. The teacher had those of us who could "pass the test" easily swim in the deep end of the pool while he worked with the others in the shallow end. Swimming class was pretty uneventful, the advanced swimmers just kind of "lounged around" in the deep end. The rest of the school day went by quite quickly. Pretty soon it was time to walk home.  I had not eaten since the day before and I hadn't had anything to drink either. As I was walking home I started feeling dizzy. I was almost halfway home so I tried to push through the dizziness but it was too much for me. My vision started to blur around the edges and I felt the world tip as I passed out. I woke up a little while later with a strange boy looking down at me. It was so strange he was just staring at me with this worried look on his face. "What time is it?" I asked as I slowly sat up. My head hurt slightly but other than that I seemed to be pretty much uninjured. "It's 4:30 pm." He responded. "Shoot! I was out for 2 hours?!" I exclaimed. "Oh no, mom's gonna be so worried!" I said as I tried to stand up. As soon as he saw me standing up he started to help me up. "Are you ok?" He asked me the concern showing in his voice. "I am fine." I replied. I started to walk towards my house, but I didn’t make it very far without stumbling. The boy caught me just before I fell face first into the pavement. "I don't think you are ok." He replied after he had helped me steady myself. "I am fine." I told him, I certainly didn't need anyone's help walking. "At least let me make sure you get home safely." He argued back. I was much too tired to argue plus my head was still spinning so I gave in. "What is your name?" I blurted out as we were walking. "My name is Alev," he answered. "That's certainly an interesting name." I stated, he blushed. "Its Turkish for flame." He mumbled. "What's your name?" He asked me. "My name is Caleo, it means 'to be inflamed' in Latin." I told him. We were both silent, then he laughed out loud. I thought he was laughing at me! "What's so funny?" I asked indignantly.“I wasn’t laughing at you, I just noticed both of our names had to do with fire. In fact, I think Caleo is a very pretty name.” He said quickly, I laughed too. We talked a little more but soon we were at my house. It was only when I was safely standing in the doorway to our house that I finally got to take a good look at him. He had big blue eyes that looked like they could almost balance out the mop of fiery hair on his head, he was tall enough that I had to look up a little to be able to see his face but not so tall it was like talking to a giraffe, he had a dimple on his right cheek, and he was about medium weight. He was actually rather cute. “I have to get home, but it was nice seeing you.” he said when I invited him in. He waved goodbye then he left. As soon as he left I went into my room, and found a present on my bed! It said “to Caleo” I opened it and inside was my own cell phone. I was a little surprised that she wasn't home yet, but she worked as a vet and sometimes she had calls come up that kept her a little later. I decided to call her from my new cellphone since it was all set up. "Hey mom," I said as soon as she answered. "Hey sweetie, I'm sorry I am not home. We had a golden retriever go into labor. She had 4 puppies and they are all doing well so far. I need to finish giving them their newborn checkup to make sure they are all healthy. I should be home in about 1 hour. I will also get us some special dinner." She said. "Ok mom, I will see you when you get home. Love you, bye." After we hung up I decided to go ahead and get a small snack. I went out to the kitchen and grabbed some peanuts. Then I went back to my room and started working on my homework. After about 15 minutes of staring at the same problem without coming up with the answer I decided to take a short nap. I layed? down on my bed and fell into a light, dreamless, sleep. When I woke up mom was already home and she was heating up some Chinese food. I checked my clock. It was 7:27 meaning I had been asleep for an hour and a half approximately. I grabbed my phone and went downstairs. "Did you have a nice nap my little Phoenix?" She asked me. Phoenix was her "pet name" for me because she said that I had a fiery temper and was just as regal as the Phoenix. "Yeah I slept pretty well." I replied. "Dinner will be ready in just a minute, why don't you go ahead and set the table?" Mom asked. I grabbed the silverware, plates, and napkins and set them down on the table. my dad had died when I was 7 so it was just the two of us. Mom brought the food over to the table and set it down. We talked about how our days had gone while we were eating dinner. I didn't mention the fact that I had passed out, I didn't want to worry her. "Dinner was delicious!" I said to mom after we had finished eating. "Well I can't take all the credit, I just heated it up." she responded. "Now time for dessert." She said as she got up to go to the kitchen. "I hope it's not cake because you know I don't like cake." I said to her from the dining room. "I know you don't like cake, that's why I made brownies and got vanilla ice cream to put on top." She said as she carried it in the brownies. We sat down at the table and ate our brownies. I put my ice cream on top of my brownies and then put chocolate sprinkles on top. After we ate our brownies and ice cream we watched a movie together while we ate popcorn. Then mom went to bed. Because I had school the next day I decided to stay up and do my homework. I only had a little bit of homework so I had it done by 10 o'clock. I put all my books and homework back in my bookbag, then I went to my room to get changed into my pajamas. As I was changing into my pajamas I noticed that my shoulders were tingling, I figured it was just because of the way I had been sitting. Little did I know what was really happening.

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