~ Shot - 2 ~

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✍ Fated To Be Yours✍

✍ Shot-2 ✍

"Anurag Basu today I will reveal the reason as to why I married this person who says choice should be yours but he chose for myself and you and others will know what I want in the end and I promise everyone today I'm going to get what I want and I will not care for others lives, opinions, what effect it will have on others or what consequences will arise because I had enough others deciding and manipulating my life and playing with my heart and self-respect, " Prerana said looking at everyone in the eye.

"What do you mean Prerana?" Anurag asked and everyone was looking at Prerana in confusion.

"If your memory serves you right Anurag, we loved each other but other than your father Mr Moloy Basu no one accepted me as one in the family, Komolika entered our lives, even though we were married you chose to marry her on your mother Mrs Mohini Basu's words without thinking what I will go through, then my father was killed by her leaving my family without any means to survive but still I stood beside you and once Komolika's truth came out, Mrs Mohini Basu for your happiness and insistence she accepted me as her bahu and started marriage preparations, then you followed Ronit who was back of us both, as in his opinion we both were responsible for his sister's death and then you followed him to Mr Bajaj's factory and threatened to kill him and he was dead in that fire which caught in the factory and you were accused of killing him and police arrested you, this is what everyone and even you know, " Prerana said and others were even more confused as to why she is digging all this now.

"We all know about this Prerana but why are you digging all this now, past is past forget what had happened, we are going to start everything fresh right," Anurag said.

"That night Mrs Mohini Basu approached me saying that whatever and whoever it is they can not do anything as only proofs and confession of Mr Bajaj is the only thing which will prove Anurag innocent and she wanted me to meet Mr Bajaj and do whatever it takes to prove her Onu innocent and her parting words for me that night was " Do whatever it takes to prove my son and your love innocent Prerana, consequences be damned, " and I did what I had to do to prove my love, I met Mr Bajaj in his house and he kept a deal in front of me, you know what it was Mr Anurag Basu and Mrs Veena Sharma, he wanted me to marry him and he will handover all the proofs which proves Anurag Basu innocent in Court of Law and all the time only words I can recall was of Mrs Basu's and I agreed to marry him and on the same night I married Mr Bajaj when he proved Anurag Basu. Yes, Mr Anurag Basu, you and your mother were also responsible for the destruction of my life, but did you know this?" Prerana questioned him leaving everyone shell shocked including her family and Rishab.

"Prerana, I didn't know about all this, if I knew I would have done anything to get you out of this farce of a marriage, but as they say it's never too late, now we can marry each other, " Anurag said.

"I did not complete what I want to say, Anurag, I married him but I never knew that he married me not because he wanted too but for his daughter, my daughter Kuki who was craving for mother's love and affection and I was unknown to this truth until a month of our marriage, he trusted me implicitly with the welfare of Kuki even going to the extent of ignoring his own family, then you came back in my life snatched something close to my daughter's heart where her first step, first word, first smile, first laugh and first cry was embedded as memories for her as well as for Mr Bajaj, " Prerana said glaring at Anurag when she said last part with anger which left everyone once again stunned.

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