God loves every single one of you. But we are here, complaining about useless stuff like phones and ipods. God sacrificed his only begotten son so he could create you. That's how he loves you but do you love him back? Turn your heart to god and love him. His love for you is so huge. Parents take away our phones and we complain but be honest, what would you do if you're parents took away your bible? Would you react the same way? It's so easy to believe in god but people trip over it's simplicity to actually do this easy task. People ignore god, the person who loves and created them. We are ignoring the creator of the world. GOD LOVES YOU. Don't ignore god. There is no reason why to ignore god. God tries to keep his promises but if you don't believe in him, remember that he tries to keep 8 billion promises. Going to church is not going to cover it. He loves you and you have to love him back. Have a relationship with God. He sacrficed his sons live for ours and we complain about worthless stuff. Jesus was stabbed by a sword, thorns digged inside his head, and he had nails hammered into his body. Spread the gospel, the good news of Jesus is coming. Share it to anybody, Jesus says that if you deny me infront of my friends I will deny you in front of my father on judgment day. Jesus is coming, have a relationship with god. Many people are going to hell but spreading the gospel will reduce the numbers of people going to hell. On judgement day, Jesus would say "you did well my faithful servant." You would see the people who you changed the lives for. If you are too tired or you just don't wanna do it right now, what would you do if Jesus came right now, and you said you didn't want to do it and you wanted to do it later. He would say depart from me, I never knew you. We shouldn't waste even a second not ripening our relationship with god. Spread to good news of Jesus is coming. You can save a life today by just spreading gods word and telling others to build a relationship with god. Committing the unforgivable sin is when you don't believe in God and you just say you don't need him. God loves everybody but you need to love him back. Spread the gospel, the good news of Jesus, god bless you all.