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Mark sat awkwardly with the basketball team after school. Coming out of a tough day of classes, today would've been a wonderful day to just go home and face-plant into his pillow...but Chenle had seemed extremely enthusiastic that he meet these people, and he didn't have the heart to turn down the offer. His eyes couldn't settle on anyone specifically as they all sat around in an elongated semi-circle within the changing rooms. The white light was blinding for his weary eyes, and the loud chatter was seemingly amplified by personal fatigue.

The coach wandered on in, letting the door slam shut behind him and earning a round of cheers and friendly banter - clearly a popular person. Jaemin was sitting to one side of Mark while Chenle was on the other, talking to one another over his head like he was a child that couldn't understand. It mattered little to the ravenette though, as he had no interest in participating in conversation at this moment.

The middle-aged adult who was still pretty fit and steady blew his whistle to shut everyone up, and more than that, to annoy them. The boys all hissed, covering their ears with scowls. "Alright, ladies. We have a match coming up and an enemy to beat. Since we're down a player, I'm sure a lot of you are thinking 'oh shit, we're fucked'," his gaze changed to Mark and he sported a smile, "But you're in luck! Newbie, introduce yourself."

The victim of unwanted attention gasped and choked on his own air for a brief moment before patting his chest. "M-Me? Am I even on the team?"

"Obviously. Why would we deny you?" Jaemin scoffed, ruffling his hair and leaving it to stick up in odd places. "Go on. State your name, my good sir."


The coach clapped his hands together and grinned excitedly, "He's a Canadian, ladies. We have some luck. No one be 'that guy' who feels the awkward need to assert dominance over newcomers. I'm looking at you, Na."

"Ack! Me?! I'm a perfectly presentable and approachable friend. I'm offended you'd even accuse me of such stupidity."

"You're a show-off and a loudmouth. Be nice."

The round of laughter that started spilling through the tight enough space made it obvious that there was absolutely no bias nor alienation in this group. Mark could see each and every one of the teammates nudging each other, joking, including everyone....it was nice, really. The coach appeared to be a group parent-figure to a bunch of kids.

Chenle smiled warmly and pulled one leg up to press to his chest, resting his chin against it and looking towards the leader of the collection of men with a far-off, dazed expression. He never seemed to be totally present, the older felt. Those eyes of his.....they screamed 'distracted'.

"Okay, everyone listen up while we set a game plan," the oldest male started again. "Johnny is out with that nasty leg injury, so we need to cover his strength somehow."

𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now