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Sup! Y/n here, the smallest out of three twin sisters. We are suppossed to be sharing a room but since the attic was emptied I have moved my stuff there and I can tell both my big sisters are glad im out of there. 

Im the 'bad' sister, you know always fighting with my parents, not studying, skipping class and all. I am easily triggered and im hella violent and competitive, so my sisters charcters are more subtle and sweet. My sisters both have dirty blond hair and a medium skintone with brown eyes, but I was born with albinism. My skin is incredibly white and my hair almost white. I was suppossed to have red eyes, but for some reason one of them wasnt affected and it came out as black, its natural color.

 (im a potterhead but this will have nothing to do with that so dont ya worry, im just borrowing the names of the house Black sisters. You are not evil but just know I love Bellatrix)

Narcissa is the middle one, and shes the 'flower' of the family. Shes like a mom to me, always after my mess and cleaning up after my messes. Literally and not, she is the golden girl of the school, shes perfect, nice and sweet and kind with good grades and a quirk to match all that. Her quirk is clay, she can basically turn her hands or whatever shape she wants and shoot clay from her body as well as form it. The clay cant get too hard tho, it cant turn half as strong as steel so it wont pierce throught someones body or a hard surfice. She wants to be a rescue hero, in U.A of course.

My other sister is Shinobu, shes the eldest and she is quiet and smart. Perfect grades but she doesnt smile or talk much and shes shy of basically everyone that isnt family but people love her. Her quirk is concealment, she can make people not see her but the effect of her quirk deceases when people are used to her presence. My little bookworm is also aiming for U.A, support course instead and it will surely be too easy for her to get in.

I, on the other hand have no idea what to do wth my life. My qurik is called blood-bending, I can manipulate a persons blood and make its muscles move at my will. I can also control my blood if I cut myself and then get it back if I havent left it out of my control at all. Another ability is that I can stop a persons blood flow, making him either lose members of his body or even die. I havent tried that for more than some seconds because its too risky and even tho I act like I want to kill everyone, I dont- I mean I would be a phsychopath if I did. The downsides of my quirk are that I can easily lose control, one wrong move and I can kill a person and that is too much of a downside for me.

Since my sisters will both surely be accepted I decided to go too. They will surely study their asses off and then determine what questions will be in the test and prepare me for those only. They always do that thats probably why I dont fail every single class, but whatever. Im grateful to them but I would be caught dead on the ground before ever admitting it, the little bookworms would have a heart attack from happiness


"Hey sis how do you feel about last day of school?" statue cheered while we were walking to school

"Im happy I will be able to leave this hellhole to go to another just to do that again in four years. It would be a pain in the ass if it werent for the break"

"Im excited for U.A, mum and dad told us we might get in by reccomendation" bookworm said a proud tone in her voice

"Good for you girls, you should probably start figuring out the answers for me or I wont pass. My grades are not getting me in with reccomendation"

"You will come with us after all?!" by now they were jumping up and down hugging each other, they are such weirdos

"Jeez calm the fuck down, I got nothing else to do anyways idiot"

"Im sorry, but what course?"

"Hero course is the only one that will do, the others need way too much studying so I will leave that to you bookworm"

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