❦12❦ || MATURE

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Renjun's eyes were squeezed shut firmly, lips parted as prolonged whines and curses slid out into the air that was thick with sexual need. His fingers were gripping onto the male's back so tightly that his nails left scratch marks. The rapid pace had the air in his lungs taken away, only allowing him shallow breaths.

But no, this was not just a romantic session with his dear boyfriend in his room.

This was a secret encounter with his teacher in the adult's bedroom. Far more sinful and much easier to get into trouble with.

"Ngh, there," the younger gushed, his voice muffled once Lee Jeno connected their lips to calm him. The bed shuffled with their movements, and the whole room was so warm. None of that mattered to either though as they clung to each other tightly and embraced all the sensations they could find and experience.

Renjun always loved kisses, because in those games, he could win. His body may have been weaker than Jeno and Jaemin's when they held him, but his tongue was so much more skilled than theirs were. Of course, the captain of the basketball team had no idea he was sharing his lover with his teacher....but then again, little Renjun hadn't worked out the truth about the pair either.

Fighting back strongly, the older finally had to give into the brunette and let him dominate his mouth, a complete sucker for the taste of him. The smaller's whines and noises got higher and more frequent when it was apparent that he was ready to unravel. His legs were tightly wound around the taller's waist, and he squeezed hard to stop his thighs from shaking so badly.

"Just...." Jeno breathed heavily against Renjun's forehead as he broke away from the make-out, "A little...."

"N-Now," the student begged, back arching off the mattress as his high crawled ever-nearer. His chest was raising and lowering rapidly, and he didn't think he could take it anymore. "Jen! Please!"

Jeno grabbed his hands and pinned them above the boy's head on the plush, white pillow. He ignored the pleads and begs washing across the space as he focused solely on his pace. It was fast, rough (since Renjun wasn't fighting it), and concise. He was slamming against the other's fragile bundle of nerves over and over, and that tightening muscle around him always sent him over the edge. The Chinese teen knew just what buttons to press at this stage.

Finally, having taken enough willpower already not to just annihilate this brunette, Jeno released without warning inside the younger, urging the boy's own orgasm as well. His eyes too fluttered closed as he collapsed down against the smaller's chest to regulate his breathing and calm down from the activities they really shouldn't have been doing.

To put a simple question lightly, a stranger may have wondered 'how did the strict, enigmatic teacher Lee Jeno end up fucking around with the school's power couple?' Well, it was rather simple when the story was laid out in black and white.

Jeno hated commitment.

Jaemin, an adrenaline junky, adored breaking the rules.

Renjun was addicted to sex.

When the quirky, blonde athlete lured the sexy P.E and geography teacher into the boys' changing room one day with some silly excuse, he managed to seduce the adult all too easily with his charms and appealing physicals. It wasn't ideal in Jeno's case to have such a reckless secret sex partner....but he wasn't exactly complaining with the terms and conditions that applied.

Renjun, however, stayed behind in a classroom one afternoon to look after his needs he couldn't seem to control, and Jeno caught him in the act. Like that, the room had filled with lust and the unplanned sex had become a very much organised staple in their week.

The student ran his fingers through the older's hair distractedly, staring up at the ceiling and thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. Visions of Jaemin always flew across his mind while he and his teacher broke the rules. He did feel guilty most of the time, since he really did love that rascal. But he couldn't stop. Having sex twice a week with his boyfriend in random places was simply not enough for him, and he'd have changed his body to stop this behaviour if he could ever be given the option.

Yet there was also an inkling of excitement to spending time with Jeno that being with the person you were dating didn't have. He was older, more mature, wiser and tougher. This ravenette could make his heart leap with one wink, and his muscles heat up with a kiss. It wasn't particularly love, but it was something.

"What time is it?" The older yawned, sliding up off the younger's chest and rolling to the other side of the bed to check the digital clock atop his bedside locker. "Ugh, twenty-past-six. Do you need to go?"

"Fuck....I do," Renjun murmured distastefully in response. His whole figure was alight with tingles and urges. He didn't want to go home and have to study. "What if I stay here forever?"

"Not happening. Up you get," Jeno started nudging him with his finger lazily.

"Yeah? Well you try being the sub next time and be expected to get up immediately. Shit needs to calm down on the inside too."



They watched each other from their separate pillows, eyes flickering over one another's forms yet always landing back to where they started. Jeno loved Renjun's sassy personality, for it was genuine and real. This teenager wasn't very mature, but he wasn't a complete idiot either. They could have childish fun at times, and others.....extremely sensitive and deep conversations. He wondered what any of it meant, since he and Jaemin tended argue like kids almost all the time. Damn, even during intercourse, that blonde could talk his ear off.

"Feeling better?" Jeno ended up enquiring, breaking the silence that was definitely getting polluted with more sexual tension.

"No. I want you to fuck me again."

"We don't have time."

"Hm...don't we?" He teased.

The older stared into his eyes yet again for a whole, impressive ten seconds before succumbing to that needy gaze of Renjun's and twisting over to face the ceiling. "Jeez, do what you want. But I'm letting you do the work this time."

"My pleasure," the younger grinned deviously before crawling up to straddle his waist.

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This is where the characters, roles and dilemmas are more or less set for the side ship. MarkHyuck will be facing issues of their own soon enough and there is a second subplot to be introduced shortly.

Now, it only rolls downwards from here, and if it isn't dark enough for you already, it's about to get that way.


𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now