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Mark was in a state of nothingness as he shoved books into his locker the next morning. The sensation of being watched last night wouldn't go away, even though he'd written it off as paranoia. At first he wanted to ask his mother about it...since she felt like she knew everything. But an irritating feeling told him to drop it, and so he did.

His mind was so wrapped up in the depths of itself that he hadn't even acknowledged the hand ghosting over his shoulder. It wasn't until it landed a few tentative taps did he flinch out of surprise and slam his locker door shut to view the interruption to his pondering. "Fuck!"

"Ah, sorry," the tall boy apologised with a soft pout and retracted his hand woefully. "I was calling out to you...but you wouldn't answer. I'd totally understand if you were mad at me."

"No, Chenle, I'm not mad," the ravenette breathed in and out shakily to regain his composure. "Why would I be mad? I was just daydreaming."

"I mean, I sort of lashed out at you during practice yesterday. I didn't intend on hurting your feelings, I swear. I'm just..." He paused, looking for the correct terminology for his emotions, "Overly sensitive about that jersey, I suppose."

"Oh, number thirteen?"

"Mhm. It used to belong to an old player of ours. He's...He's not around anymore, you see."

"A close friend?" Mark probed, locking up the metal door swiftly before motioning for Chenle to follow him to the canteen. "What happened? Did he transfer?"

"He was a lot more to me than a friend," the taller sighed. "It's not a story I can just spout without preparing for it. Actually," he nudged the older's shoulder with his own and tried to smile. "Would you like to go somewhere with me after school? Or perhaps on Saturday?"


"Secret. It's just that I want to trust you, and trust isn't easily obtainable. It takes time."

"True. Are you introducing me to a mafia or something?"

Chenle giggled lightly and shook his head as he did so, tucking strands of his black hair away once they fell over his eyes. "That would be awesome, but unfortunately not. I'm not that cool."


"This trip won't be about the place, okay? It's about me. It's about you," he ruffled the shorter's hair before branching away from him to enter the canteen, "I want to show you something that exposes everything I am."

Mark furrowed his brows as the younger disappeared into the sea of breakfast-eaters. For someone who hung out with bright and incredible people...he sure knew how to blend in. It was as though the ravenette was a ghost that lurked where it wished, and the transfer student was merely lucky enough to catch him when it suited. Odd, but okay, he thought, shrugging it off as one of those weird interactions that seemed to be abundant in this school.

𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now