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Mark patiently sat in the library and waited for the lunch break to end that day. Every class didn't feel like an hour, but three. The worst of them yet was definitely geography when Jaemin had forcefully shoved Donghyuck out of his seat only to take it for himself, and Mr. Lee, or 'Jeno' as the pink-haired teenager would call him, simply let it go. The whole hierarchy here was fucked up beyond repair it seemed, and the teachers were as corrupt as the student body.

So, alone up in the dusty home of books, the ravenette found peace in the silence. He was able to plug in his headphones and lay against his arms on the table he sat at without interference. His mind was clouded with hundreds of thoughts and ideas, but a lot of them rested with Lee Donghyuck. The morning they had shared on the rooftop, and that strange comfort that their company brought. Surely the younger wasn't as awful as everyone made him out to be.

Just when life seemed to throw him a bone, it instantly snatched it back when another person came to sit down with him in his secluded spot by the windows. They didn't even choose the seat opposite, just slumping into the chair beside him.

Mark swallowed once and pretended he didn't notice the extra presence now, letting his eyes close and his music occupy his mind. Unfortunately, the strange decision to plop into the spot beside him was not a mistake, and the arrival lay down his head against his hands as well — just as Mark did. He playfully chuckled and pulled one headphone out, pushing it into his ear and relating to the tune it released.

Confused, the older dejectedly tilted his head so that the two were face to face, noses almost touching. "Renjun?"


"What..." he furrowed his brows in wonder, "What are you doing up here? I thought you were in the canteen with Jaemin."

"When you told us you needed to use the toilet, but didn't come back after ten minutes..." The younger let it linger for a little, arching his brow to make a point. "So I told Nana I would go and make sure you were fine."

"Or," Mark challenged, "To make sure I wasn't hanging out with Hyuck."

"That too, I suppose," the brunette agreed without remorse. His voice was so velvety and seductive, alluring and enticing, soft and rich that it had the taller's skin tickling. Just speaking to the boy was like listening to a lullaby. "Mark..." he whispered, shifting his cheek against his hand a bit to get comfortable and the movement resulting in his brown fringe falling over his eyes, "Why did you leave?"

"I..." Crap, what do I say? He panicked, blinking innocently at the Chinese teen while considering possible answers. He couldn't exactly admit that he felt suffocated and out of his depth, nor could he lie about feeling sick. Was Renjun good at detecting lies? It seemed like a skill in this institution, really. "I'm tired."



"That's a weak excuse," the other smiled faintly and being all too stunning while doing so, "But I'll relay it to Jaemin nonetheless. He'll believe me if I go into deep description."

"Why though? Why does he have to know everything about everyone? What's wrong with telling a few lies here and there for the sake of sanity?"

"There's one thing that one must know when attending this school, and it'll be something you pick up along the way," Renjun murmured. He seemed to be in-taking the music really well, almost allowing his emotions to lock with the beats. "These mindless sheep need a leader, okay? Our teenagers in this town are pathetic and weak. But not only that, we also learn to tell little stories here and there that aren't bold enough to appear false, but not dull enough to be laughed at."


"Yes. You're not a liar, are you Mark?"

"No, not at all. I've always been completely honest with everyone I meet...but here..."

"Mhm. Here we're like a perfect little society with an outcast or two that remind us of our limits and goals. Of course nobody is perfect, and so it's human nature to twist stories here and there to create a better image of oneself to fit in. We're all liars, okay? But we're all able to detect them as well. Basically, be clever about your stories."

"What if what you see is what you get?" Mark enquired curiously, sliding his phone back and forth a little with his index finger. "What if someone is as black and white as they initially appear?"

"Then they're a fool," Renjun scoffed and sat up again, straightening his posture. "I have to say though, I quite like you. You're not as dull as I thought you'd be, yet not a pain in the ass to deal with."


"A word to the wise; listen to Jaemin, won't you? Don't be defiant. Chenle must've made that role clear by now. If not, he's getting a lecture."

"No, I've been told," the older gushed unenthusiastically and sat up to take the earphones out and wind them into a safe loop. "You guys are so weird."

"Indeed. See you around, Mark," the brunette waved absentmindedly before getting up to leave. The taller was about to do the same, though an incoming text message lighting up his screen caught his attention first. Checking it out, he found it was just his mother.

Hey Markie, I know you're
probably in classes right now,
but I just wanted to make sure you
were coming home for dinner tonight.

The young boy thought about it momentarily before taking this opportunity to mention that he did in fact have plans. He really, really wanted to know what Chenle had talked about this morning, and the younger had offered it today anyway.

Hey, it's all good.
I'm hanging out with
a friend today after
school, so I'll skip

Okie dokie! Stay safe!

Of course~

Mark hoped like hell that this would be fine. That a trip into town with a new friend would be worth it. So far he hadn't been overly impressed with his time in Korea, but he also hadn't given it a chance to grow on him. Perhaps doing things like this would help him adapt.

He hoped so anyway.

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𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now